Tutoring and suprises

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"hey were here"i yell then stop walking to sit down. They all sit down around me in a circle
"were are we?"demi asks
"oh this hill is likemy escape route of the world. I come here to think and be alone"i pull out my math book and so does eveyone else
"ok on page 23 there is a graph that can help us to do page 22"i turn to the page and so does everyone else
I pack up my stuff and walk out
"Bye guys I'll see you at home"I run out and get into my car. I drive all the way to her school and park my car. I sit and wait but there are no kids coming. I grab my phone and text Laura
Hey can we talk? Come to my house please
I start my car then drive home
While Spencer is reading the directions for a social studies problem, my phone goes off next to me. I look at it and see a text from Ross. I read it but then ignore it. I sigh then Jake looks at me and smiles. I smile back then look down at my book to follow where Spencer is reading.
"ok great um i have to go but i will see you guys tomarrow"we all stand. All us girls hug eachother and swap phone numbers. Then i give all the guys my number. They wave before walking down the hill. I walk home hiding my phone
i walk in to see my mom setting a plate down on the table
"just in time honey its dinner"i nod then put my bqckpack down and sit at the table
"wheres ness?"i ask and my dad looks at me
"your sister is uh out...with riker"he whispers the last part but i could still hear him. I stand up knocking my chair over
"what?!???! How come she can date riker but i cant date ross?"i yell and my dad puts his fork on his plate and turns in his seat to face me
"honey your 17 and vanessa is 21. You are still my little girl until your 18"i stand and look at my dad in complete shock
"Mom ive texted laura three times and she isnt answering"i complain as riker and vanessa walk in hand in hand
"hey guys"my mom says and they stop
"oh hey mom i was wondering if ness could join us for dinner"my mom nods then they go upstairs
"why dont you call her?"rocky suggests while playing video games and not really paying any attention to the conversation. I nod then pull out my phone and call laura
I was about to answer but then my phone started buzzing. I slightly look at my backpack before my dad gets up and walks to it
"dad stop!"i yell but he opens my bag and empties it. My phone is the last thing to fall out. He picks it up and walks towards me
"where did you get this?"he asks setting it on the table
"ross got it for me"he turns around to grab a hammer. I quickly grab my phone and run to my bag. I grab my bag while running then open the door. Without thinking, i run faster away from my house
"laura! Laura come back here!"i could hear my dad yelling behind me. His voice was growing faint. By the time i was on the hill, i stopped to catch my breath. Then it thundere and started raining, i looked at my phond hten break down crying. I cry all my feelings out as the rain made my hair and clothes wet. I put my phone in my bag then i heard horse feet hitting the muddy ground. I quickly start running again. I go to a low tree and climb it. I put my foot on a branch and pull myself up but i couldnt. There was a string from my backpack stuck on the branch. I could hear the horse crying as my dad tightned the bit in its mouth. The hoofs hitting the muddy ground with a thud. I grab the string and pull it off. Once its free, i climb high enough so my dad wouldnt see. Perfect timing. My dad on a white horse rode by. My mom rode by behind him riding yakee? Then my dad stops which causes my mom and yankee to stop right below me. I look at yankee and see that her head is facing me. I put my finger over my lips indicating her to be quiet. Then they leave.

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