Shopping and surgery

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"Morning guys"I say smirking watching all the guys devour their pancakes while rydel is on her phone. She then looks at me and puts her phone down
"So lar, I heard that you needed something's to complete your room"she perks up and claps her hands
"Um yeah ross and I were going to go shopping"I say before rydel smiles
"I know how about we all go to the mall!"she screams then drags me upstairs
"Girls"I heard Rocky mutter. Then rydel throws me in my room and starts looking through my closet
"Ok so the first store we are going to is Khols. But here where this"he throws a dress at me. The dress I wore to formal day at school
"Get ready"she says before leaving my room. I walk into the bathroom and get dressed. I check the bruise one more time. It is getting worse. I can see blood in it. I pull open a drawer and grab a bandage. I unwrap it then gently place to on my bruise. I whince a little before fully getting dressed and walking out. I stop in my tracks when I see ross leaning up against the door frame. I smile
"Are you ready?"he asks and I nod then walk to him and we hold hands all the way to the car
"Jeez laura you took longer than rydel"riker yell from the drivers seat to the back
"Anyway riker um I need to ask you something"I yell back. He nods and I keep talking
"What did you do to vanessa?"he looks back at the road
It is 12:00 on a Saturday so I am helping my mom with chores
"Mom what happened with the letter?"I ask while dusting
"We don't know but we think that someone felt bad and wrote the letter"I drop my rag and turn to face my mom
"I-i think I know who wrote it"I run to grab my jacket then run out. I don't run to get dusty but I run farther. I run all the way to the city
"Riker?!" I yell through the city
we get to the mall and everyone goes their separate ways. Rocky, ratliff, and ryland go to game stop. Laura and I go to the Apple Store. And riker and rydel go to the food court
"Ross, I don't want a phone"I whine
"Here this is a good one"he completely ignores me and pays for it. I roll my eyes
I am so lost. I don't even know what I am going to say to riker. Jeez where could he be? Oh I know the mall. When I was at school girl always went to the mall. I run to the mall and walk in to see a lot of people holding bags and talking on little phones. I roll my eyes and start walking in. I see people looking at me with weird faces. I look over at a couple kissing next to the smoothie cart.
"Oh my gosh ness?"I turn around and see laura with ross
"Oh um hi laura"I say in shock and we hug
"Wh-what are you doing here?"she asks and that threw me all off. I thought I was going to all to riker but now I don't even know
"Uh I was going to talk to riker um do you know where he is?"I ask and ross points to the food court. I nod before running the way he pointed.mi stop when I see him. Riker. Talking to a blonde girl. Then she looks at me. She points my way then riker turns around. I lock eyes with him and he gets up. He walks to me
"Hey ness"he casually says
"Hey um I just want to say thanks for rejecting the loan on our ranch"he nods and looks down. I take a big sigh
"Why did you do it?"his eyes then shoot up at me and he looks confused
"I did it because I care about you and I hated the way we left things. I just wanted to try us"I blush
"Really?"he nods and I leaned in. He started leaning in to and our lips touch. My first kiss. Fireworks everywhere. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. We kissed for 2 minutes then the blonde girl walked up
"Sorry to interrupt but um riker, we have to go meet everyone outside of GameStop"he nods then he walks away
"Ill catch you later!"he yells then walks off with the blondie. I sigh then walk out of the mall. A tear rolls down my cheek. I thought he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. After everything we did together, I thought he really cared about me
we all meet in front of GameStop. Rocky, Ratliff, and ryland walk out each with a bag
"Hey what did you get?"rydel asks them while trying to take a peek in the bags
"We just got some games. Actually we were wondering when Christmas is"Rocky asks
"Don't worry Rocky Christmas is right around the corner"ross says and I can't help but laugh
"No it's not. It's only November 22nd. Christmas is in like a month"ratliff says and I slap him
"Anyway laura got an iPhone so she needs all of our numbers"ross says. They all give me their numbers. So now I have 6 names in my phone. Great
"Ok let's go to Khols now!"rydel jumps up and down and we all walk to Khols. When we get there, I see clothes everywhere
"Oh, my gosh"I say while admiring the scenery
"What?"ross asks
"It's just, this is a lot"ross rolls his eyes and smiles. We all walk to the juniors section and rydel searches racks for clothes
"Boys why don't you go and look around in your section we can take it from here"rydel shoos them away. Ross quickly pecks my lips before leaving with the other boys. I blush then go by rydel who is just smiling
"What"I ask
"Nothing it's just that you guys are so cute together"she doesn't look at me. She keeps looking at clothes
"So..."I trail it off so she can continue. She stops looking at the clothes and faces me
"I just love you guys"she looks at me "never let him go laura. He is a great guy"she smile and grabs a shirt
"Here try this on"she hands it to me. I whince because the hanger touches my bruise
"Are you ok?"rydel asks as she walks up to me
"Yeah I'm fine I just-"I give her the shirt back "I need to sit down"rydel leads me to a bench by the changing rooms. I sit down and rydel just stands there. I don't care if rydel is right there. I pull up my shirt to reveal my bruise
"What happened laura!"she sits next to me. The bruise is bleeding out and it now is purple
"Um when I was at school on Friday, ally and her friends dragged me into the bathroom. She kicked me in the stomach"I sigh and put my shirt back down
"No lar if all she did was kick you then it shouldn't be this bad are you sure that's all she did?"I nod
"I don't know maybe she did something else but who knows"I try standing up but I instantly fall back down on the bench
"Ok um you stay here and I will call my mom"she was about to leave but I stopped her
"Fine, just don't tell ross"she goes wide eyed
"Why not!"she asks
"Because just go get hi then call your mom"she nods then leaves. Ross comes back
"Hey lar"I wave and he sits down
"What's up? Rydel came running to me and told me it was urgent that I talk to you"he grabs my hand
"Um I need to show you something"he nods then I lift up my shirt to reveal my bruise. His smile fades
"Laura, who did this to you?"I sigh
"Ally"I whisper and he gets mad
"Lar, this is serious how long ago did this happen?"
"Friday"I say then he stands up and starts pacing "look ross I'm sorry I didn't tell you but please don't be mad"I beg
"I'm not mad at you I'm mad at ally I mean how could she do that? Besides how would it be so bad what the heck would she do?"he looks at me
"She kicked me but rydel thinks that it was something more because if it was just a kick then it would not be this bad"ross was about to speak but rydel came back
"Ross go get the boys we have to go"rydel helps me up and ross leaves to get the boys. We all meet at the front door when stormie drives up. We all pile in and stormie drives off. She doesn't drive home, she drives to the hospital
"Stormie I'm not going to see a doctor!"I try opening the door
"Laura stop you need to do this"stormie keeps driving
"Let me out!"I kick the door but then I hold my stomach in pain
"Lar, take a chill pill. Why won't you go see a doctor?"ross holds my hand
"I hate doctors. They are the reason why my aunt Judy died"I sigh
"We're here"stormie says and start panicking again
"Come on laura were here for you"ross says then we all get out and walk in
"Hi um I need a doctor to look at my-"stormie stops talking
"Daughter"ross says
"Yeah my daughter's stomach"the lady at the desk nods and leaves to find a doctor. Soon a man in a white jacket walks up
"Laura?"he calls and I walk to him with ross by my side. He leads us into a room and I lay on the bed
"Ok so mrs laura marano. It says here that you got kicked in the stomach. Is that true?"I nod and grab ross hand
"So we need to run some tests so sir you need to leave"I start worrying again
"No please doctor he can't leave. I need him here"I beg
"I'm sorry"he gestures for ross to walk out and he does
"I will be right outside"he kisses my forehead before leaving
I walk into the waiting room where my family is
"How is she?"my mom asks
"I don't know they kicked me out"I sit next to her
We sit in the waiting room for 2 hours before the doctor comes back
"Laura marano?"we all stand
"Um you can see her now. Nothing serious"w follow him to lauras room. I see her laying in the bed and I walk to him side
"Ross"she weakly says
"I'm right here"I hold her hand and squeeze it. She squeezes back
"We ran some tests and we found out that she got kicked by what seems like a platform shoe. So it was more severe. For now she needs to put ice on it"he leaves and laura sits up
sorry its so sad but i have great ideas for this book. Anyway my birthday is tomarrow and i am going to be 14🎉😍
thank you for all my followers and readers.
Until next time see ya

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