Valentines day and dances

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"Hi pumpkin you ready for the dance?"I ask her and she excitedly nods. I set her down and she runs off
"I'm glad your better now about those valentine plans?"vanessa walks over to me and plays with my shirt
"How about I drop Nicole off at my moms after the dance?"vanessa bites her lip and nods
"Daddy go get ready"Nicole yells from upstairs and I roll my eyes
"Well I better get ready"I peck Vanessa's lips and walk upstairs and into my room
I finally get home but lauras not here. So I call her
Hey babe where are you?
I'm so sorry but I'm still at the school. I have a meeting tonight until 8
Seriously? But it's our Valentine's Day
I know I feel terrible
Ok well I'll see you later then
I love you
I love you to
I hang up the phone and throw it on the couch. Then everyone else walks in
"Hey baby what's up?"my mom asks me
"Just waiting for laura. What's up with you guys?"I ask all of them
"I'm going out with phoebe"ryland runs upstairs
"I'm taking Chelsea out to her favorite restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings"Rocky smiles
"And I'm going to see a movie"rydel says acting a little random. Then she runs upstairs. I lay my head back on the couch
"What's wrong?"my dad asks. Rocky then runs upstairs
"Laura has a meeting today until 8"I sigh
"Sorry buddy but your mom and I are going to be gone also so you will be here by yourself"I nod and they both leave. I decide to walk down to the basement. Down there I see a piano, guitar, bass, drums, and a keyboard. I grab the guitar and start strumming
"I think I wanna marry you"I sing out
"Come on nicole"I yell from downstairs
"Well don't you look nice"vanessa walks into the room wearing sweatpants, a tank top, and a messy bun. She walks over it me
"You look great to"we kiss until nicole comes downstairs
"Ready?"I ask and she nods excited. We walk outside and get into the car. I drive us to the school where it is held. I park and we get out of the car. Nicole grabs my hand as we walk in. The music is loud and a bunch of kids run up to Nicole. Soon their parents walk up to me
"Hey you must be riker"one guys says. We shake hands
"I'm Brittany's father. Nicole's friend"I nod. Nicole tugs on my pants
"Daddy I'm going to go over there but I'll be back later"she then runs off with the other girls
"Don't worry they'll be fine"another man says to me. I smile and grab a drink. I stand with the other dads waiting for Nicole to come back so we can actually dance
"Daddy!"Jordan one of Nicole's friends runs towards us. Nicole and Brittany chase her. Jordan runs to her dads side. I stop Nicole
"Come on Nicole let's dance"I walk her out to the dance floor. Nicole steps on my feet and we slow dance to the song you and I.
"This is fun daddy"Nicole looks up at me
"It really is"I hold her closer and we keep dancing. She holds onto my hands tighter
"I love you daddy"I smile and we keep dancing
"I love you to Nicole"I look down at her and see that she is smiling. We dance until the song is over. Then we do a fun song. Then it's dinner. Nicole drags me to a table with Brittany and Jordan's fathers.
"So riker tell us about yourself"Brittany's dad joe says
"Well I'm 26. My wife's name is vanessa and I work at my family's bank company"I take a bite of spaghetti
"Wow your really young"Jordan's dad Dan points out
"I'm 36 my wife's name is Karen and I work as an architect"joe says and I take a drink. All the while the girls are giggling
"So I'm 39 my wife's name is Ann. I am a chef at Alessandro's"Dan takes a drink
"So why aren't you at work now I mean isn't it like busy tonight?"he shakes his head
"We're closed on Valentine's Day"I nod
"So riker Do you know laura marano?"Dan asks
"Yeah she is my brothers girlfriend"joe leans over to talk to Brittany
"Oh ok because my wife was telling me about her. She said that she was an excellent teacher and they were happy to have her"I nod and smile
"Well I'll make sure to tell her"I finish my food and Nicole tugs on my jacket
"I'm going to go to the bathroom"she jumps off her chair and walk off
"Thank you all for coming to this fabulous event tonight. Enjoy the rest of your evening and have a safe drive back"everyone stands up and leaves
"It was nice to meet you riker"Dan outstretches his hand
"You to"I shake his hand. He grabs Jordan's hand and they leave
"Good luck riker"joe pats my back. I get up and walk to the bathroom to wait for Nicole. She walks out soon
"Hey ready to go?"she nods and grabs my hand. We walks out of the place and get in the car
"So I'm going to drop up you off at grandmas house ok?"I talk keeping my eyes on the road
"Ok"she answers. When I get to the house I help Nicole out. She falls alseep in my arms. Then laura pulls up
"Laura?"I ask
"Riker what are you doing here?"she asks me
"I was going to drop off Nicole so vanessa and I could have some alone time tonight"we both walk into the house. Laura walks upstairs and I put Nicole in my old room. I lay her on the bed and cover her in a blanket
"Goodnight baby"I kiss her forehead then leave
"Laura can you watch her? I will be here tomarrow morning to pick her up"laura nods
"Oh and your boss's husband was at the dance tonight. He said that she said that you were a fantastic teacher"she smiles
"Thank you"I smile then leave
I walk into my room to see ross holding rachel
"Hey"I whisper
"Oh hey"he walks over to me and kisses me. I grab rachel from him and we sit on the bed
"I'm really sorry I messed up our Valentine's Day"I look at him
"It's ok we can go out next weekend"I smile and he wraps his arms around me
"Oh by the way Nicole is here. She's sleeping in rikers old room"he sighs and falls back on the bed
"Are we not going to do anything I planed?"he asks out loud. I rub his leg
"What did you have in mind?"I ask. He look at me
"I was going to take you out to a fancy dinner because I had something great to announce. Then we we're going to come back here. I thought we we're going to be alone"I smirk and blush
"Last time that happened this happened"I point to rachel
"So. I thought you wanted more kids"he sits back up
"I do but not until we actually have a plan. Like we have a place of our own and were married"I look at him and our faces are really close
"Yeah"he stares at me and we share a sweet kiss
"Baby I'm home"I yell. I close the door and vanessa walks down the stairs. I stare at her in aw. Then she runs over to me and jumps on me
"I missed you"she smiles. She wraps her legs around my waist and I hold her up by her thighs
"Me to"I plant a kiss on her then she deepens it. I walk her upstairs and we fall on the bed

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