secrets and hills

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I look and see through the door Bridget. I run off of ross side and jump in bridgets arms

"oh my gosh what are you doing here?" i look at her still shocked that shes here

"do you really think I was going to miss my best friends daughters 8th birthday?" I smile and hug her again. then savanah pushes me

"who was that?" bridget looks back at her

"oh that's one of carlys friends. she thinks that I have something to do with her disaperance but I don't" i look at her then at ross who is laughing with a bunch of other people

"you ok?" Bridget stands in my view

"do you think im making a mistake?" I ask out loud then ross yells

"cake time!" everyone walks into the living room. I walk away from bridget leaving her dumbfounded. then Rachel jumps on a chair as we all sing to her

After cake and presents I walk out to the pool. everyone is inside so I take my shoes off and sit on the edge dangling my feet in and I just stare at the water daydreaming. was this all a mistake? then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I jolt out of my daydream and see bridget. she sits next to me

"why do you think your making a mistake?"bridget asks me

"i just feel like I have given up everything for ross but now I feel done"i look at her fighting tears

"maybe you should talk to ross" she plays with her hands

"no he has so many secrets from me that its probably for the best that I don't know. hes keeping them for a reason" I look down at the pool

"no laura you need to talk to him. if you keep secrets soon he will never tell you anything then you will end up divorced. talk to him" she stands up and walks inside. as she opens the door I hear the loud music just for a second. then it fades away. I rub my forehead in confusion but I don't go inside. I sit and enjoy the peace and quiet. then I look out and see the barn and the hill. I stand up, grab my sandals, and run to the barn. I put my shoes back on and open the barn to see no horses. I am a little disappointed to see that my dad sold all the horses. even yankee

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