Suprise meeting

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Right now it is Friday. I am waiting for laura to come home from school so we can start her training.
"Honey even if you stare out that window all day it's not going to make time go any faster"my mom says to me while she picks up things around the house. I give her a look and she just smiles
"Oh there here"then my dad and laura walk through the door but they look upset
"Uh honey can we talk?"my dad says before pulling my mom into another room. I walk to laura and she imediatly cries into my chest
"C-can we g-go riding?"she asks then we walk out to the barn. I get onto dusty and laura gets on Yankee. This time I don't grab the rope and we both start riding out of the barn but once we are out Yankee starts running but laura is leading him. I try catching up to them but by the time I do we are already up on the west mountain. Yankee stops running. We both get off our horses
"Lar are you ok?"I walk to her but she turns to me with red puffy eyes
"No the bank is taking our ranch"she cries even more and now I am
"W-what? No we grew up here why are they taking it?"I ask but I think I'm making things worse
"They are moving us because they want to build on our land"we walk our horses higher and higher up the mountain while talking. Once were at the top, we stop
"Um lar, look"I nudge her and gesture to where there is a blonde boy sitting with his back to us
"Excuse me?"laura says and the boy turns around
"Oh um I'm sorry but I'm just waiting for somebody"he gets up and starts walking towards us
"Uh hi I'm ross"he says
"I'm vanessa and this is laura"I look at laura and she is looking down and smiling for the first time since I saw her today
"So those are really nice horses you've got here. I've always wanted to ride one"he says petting dusty but looking at laura. "Here guys um my date is here so here is my number. Call me?"he writes down his number then gives it to me. He walks to a brown haired girl wearing a tank top and skinny jeans. Idiot everybody knows you can't wear a tank top on the mountains. Then I see them kiss
"Um can we go?"laura sounds uncomfortable
"Why this is all we have left"I say not getting on my horse
"No it's just that I know that girl. She goes to me school. Plus how are we supposed to call him we don't have phones"she is now on Yankee looking down at me
"We have a land line and besides I saw you there"I get on dusty and we keep walking away from ross "you were smiling
"Yeah I don't know what it was but he was so cute"she blushes even more
"Lar are you serious? I think this is the first time I have ever heard you say that!"I'm in shock. We ride all the way home
"Hey girls just in time for dinner"we both sit down and grab some food
"So I guess you both know the bad news?"my mom asks us and we both try hard to hold back tears
"We are really sorry guys there is nothing we can do"my dad says
"So does that mean that we will have to move to the city?"Laura asks her voice shaky
"I'm afraid so"then laura breaks down and gets up from the table. I follow her outside but she runs straight to the barn and takes Yankee out. She runs and runs. I don't bother going after her. She will come back soon. I go back inside and go to my room. I decide to call ross and ask if he sees her
so I just meet these two cowgirls. One looked like she was rikers age but the other one was my age and she was HOOOOT might I add. Wait no. I have ally.
"Hey rossy this is really great just the two of us"she cuddles into my chest and I wrap my arm around her
"Yeah it really is"I don't know who those girls were but I am bound to find out
once my dad said we were moving to the city, I lost it. I ran. Ran as far as I could. With Yankee, I could go anywhere I wanted. I ran all the way to the top of the mountain. I stopped Yankee and just looked out onto the horizon. I don't want to leave. I can't leave. I just hope that ross and his little kissing friend left. I really don't know what it was but I think I like him. I can't get him out of my head
"Laura?"I hear someone say my name. I turn around and see Ross looking right at me
"Oh um hey"I say awkwardly
"Uh your sister called me to make sure your ok. She said you ran? Why?"so many questions jeez
"It's s long story besides where's your friend?"I try changing the subject
"Oh she left a while ago. I stayed because I like it up here. I feel different. You know away from all the drama"he puts his hands up and spins around. I can't help but giggle and blush
"So mind telling me what your doing?"he walks closer to me and pets Yankee
"Um I was just upset because our ranch is being taken by the bank so now we have to move into the city"I look down. Ross grabs Yankees rope and pulls so we start walking
"So do you come here often?"he asks me which gets me to smile
"Yeah I do. I come here with my sister. We have been coming up here ever since we were kids. We would race up here with a picnic basket then eat lunch up here. Then when vanessa learned how to ride a horse, she would take me riding. Once I learned, we rode up here almost everyday"I can't help but smile at the memories I shared with my sister
"Wow so you and vanessa are really close?"he asks me and I nod
"Yeah see I'm not like that. I have 2 older brothers 1 younger and 1 sister. I'm not really close with them"I feel so ad for him. How do people live with just knowing their siblings and not engaging the fact that they won't be around forever
"That's so sad, I don't think I could ever do that. I mean they won't be around forever so why not make the most of the situation?"I say then he smiles which causes me to blush
"You know laura, I've never meet a girl quite like you. I mean you are fun to be around. I know we just meet but I feel like this is the most fun and free I have ever felt. I don't know about you but I don't get to do this a lot"he looks at me and smiles
"Really?"I say like an idiot he nods
"Well sorry ross but it's getting late. I have to get home and help my mom clean up dinner"I jump onto Yankee but ross doesn't give me the rope
"Wait will I ever see you again?"he is so sweet
"Maybe. Fait might bring us together again. He hands me the rope and I take off.
I walk in the door and everyone looks at me
"We were worried sick. Are you ok?"my mo runs to me and checks me over
"I'm fine mom I'm great actually"I walk over to my dad and kiss his cheek before going upstairs
"Laura!"vanessa hugs me
"Why were you out so long?"she then asks and I just smile at her
"Wait. You caught up to ross?!?!"she jumps in excitement
"Shhhhh and maybe but it's not a big deal"I sit on my bed
"It is a big deal. Laura might have a boyfriend"she does a dance
"Ok no. I like him but he already has a girlfriend. And besides who would date me?"I gesture to my clothes. I am wearing a red and white plaid button up shirt. Jeans. Cowboy boots. And a black tank top
"Lar any guy would be happy to have you now tell me everything"she sits next to me
"Ok um he never hangs out with his siblings. Um oh and he works for a bank"I say excited
"Lar what if his bank is the one-"I instantly cut her off
"He's not"I am kind of offended she would think that
"Anyway tomarrow we have to meet with the banker to discus things"she says but all I do is nod and get in bed. Ness does the same and turns off the light

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