Moving in and meeting again

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I don't care if I'm not ready. I love ross and maybe in the end it will be amazing. So I am scooting my body by the head board and ross is on top of me. Once we are at the top of the bed, I grabbed his belt buckle and started playing with it. I could feel him smile through the kisses


"Dad can I go ride?"he nods then I walk out the door. I walk to the barn and grab dusty. Once I'm on I run. Run all the way up the mountain. I stop dusty then look out in the open. It is so beautiful. Then dusty starts going wild

"Woah woah dusty stop!"I try calming her down but she thrown me off. I land on the ground and she runs away

"No dusty stop"I get up but I can't see her. Then I hear her cry

"Dusty?"once I say that I hear a stick crack then I spin around instantly to see a blonde holding dusty by the reins

"Ness?"I look closer and see its RIKER!!!

"Here"he walks up to me and hands dusty over to me

"Uh thanks"I awkwardly say to him. I try turning around but riker grabs my wrist

"Let go riker"I try getting out of his grasp but he spins me around

"Ness I know what I did was wrong but you have to forgive me I still care about you"

"Riker I do forgive you but you have to go"I finally get out of his grasp and jump on dusty

"Ness! Ness wait!"he tries running after me but I make it to the barn first. I run inside and lock the door

"Ness! Ness open the door!"I hear riker bang on the door

"Daddy make him go away"I cling on to my mom as my dad opens the door

"Sir I need to talk to your daughter"he stops riker

"I'm afraid that you need to leave"he pushes riker out the door


"Dam it!"I stomp on the porch then run all the way home

"Mom!"I run through the house

"Hey riker what's up?"she has an apron on

"Mom where is dad?"she shrugs and I run back out the door and drive to the office


So right now I am making out with laura on my bed when all of a sudden I hear riker run in then run out

"Ross we've been making out for an hour"I get off the bed and sit at the edge

"Lar what's wrong?"he joins me on the edge of the bed and grabs my head

"I've always wanted to become a city girl or at least feel like one. Is this how city girls live? They have sex with the first guy she sees?"I look at him

"No, being in the city is amazing. Trust me it's way more than that. Besides we didn't do anything. All we did was make out"he looks down

"I should probably get to the office"he stands up and puts his shoes on and fixes his belt. He winks at me then walks out. I smile before walking out also


I drop laura off at school and I drive to the office

"Hey delly"I wave and walk to my desk

"Hey love bird"I hear someone say. I get up and look around to see my dad

"Hey dad"I awkwardly walk up to him

"Ross, I know your mom likes laura but I don't want you to first priorities. Your work comes first"he folds his arms

"I know dad"I walk back to my desk a little mad

"Dad what did you do with the marano lease?"I hear riker yell. I stop what I'm doing and listen

"Son that is still in the conference room why?"

"We need to end it"my eyes go wide and I know my dads did to

"We can't do that. That is all this company has if we lose that then we lose our company"he walk passed my door and I imediatly get back to work


I can't believe that my dad won't give me the lease. Well I don't care. I am getting that lease even if he has to pry it out of my cold dead hands. I walk to the conference room to see Rocky there grabbing papers

"Here Rocky let my help you"I walk to him and trip him on purpose so he falls and drops all the papers

"Ok OWW!!!"he gets up and starts picking up the papers

"No let me clean it up"I pat his back then he leaves. Now to find that lease. I search all the papers but I don't find it. I don't really care about this company. In fact this company is the only thing that's ruining this family. Finally I find it. I look at the print on top and see

I stuff it in my jacket then run out leaving the rest of the papers on the floor. I am about to leave when ratliff walks in

"Hey dude"I say casually

"Um hey?"I scoot past him then run to my desk. I set the paper down and start typing the PIN number on my computer


so I'm here packing my things. The lynch company is taking our ranch tomarrow afternoon

"Are you ready?"my mom walks into my room

"Ready as I'll ever be"I slide my suitcase off my bed "mom, why did laura have to leave?"I finally ask. My mom takes a seat on the chair

"Close the door"I do as told then sit on the edge of my bed

"So laura, she-we found her kissing ross on the hill"I look down and I have tears in my eyes

"Mom, do you think it's possible to love someone who you also hate?"she gives me a confused look which means I have to explain more

"There's this guy who hurt me so much but I think I still like him"she stands up

"For starters you should talk to him and don't tell your dad"she then leaves and I fall on my bed with my feet still touching the floor

"Honey dinner!"my dad yells a few hours later. I lazily get up and drag myself out of bed. I walk downstairs to the table


This is just great. It is only 11 degrees and I'm walking home . At leased its wednesday and we don't have school tomorrow or Friday. And today I got slapped


"Hey"I turn around to see ally staring at me with her other two girls on each side of her
"Um hey"I cheerfully say but she just glares at me
"Laura is it? I want you to stay away from ross ok? He is mine"she was about to leave but I stopped her
"And what if i don't?"she slowly turns back around to face me once again
"What did you just say?"she is fully turned around now
"Yeah what if I don't leave him alone? Because I don't plan to stop seeing him. And I defiantly don't need to take orders from you you know why? Because you are not in charge of me or ross"I was about to turn around but one of her girls grabbed my right wrist and the other girl grabbed my left one. They dragged me to the bathroom. In there ally slapped me right off the bat. I tried fighting back but the girls were still on me. Then ally kicked my which made me fall. The girls let go of my wrists and ally crouched down to my level
"I hope you learned a little lesson today"she smirks then they all leave. I try getting up but I can't. I don't have a phone so all I do is yell. No one comes si I suck it up and stand. I've been through worst. One time Yankee kicked me right in the back left shoulder blade. Anyway, I walk out and go to my locker. I grab my bag then wait outside for ross. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. He's not coming

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