Forgivness and weddings

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"You guys ready?"I grab my dads arm at the back of the line. Everyone nods then the music starts. Riker and vanessa walk in first. Then Rocky and bridget. Then Rydel and ratliff. Then the doors open and I walk in gripping my dads arm with a big smile on my face. I smile at everyone then my eyes go to the alter. Ross isn't standing there. I look at vanessa and she looks down. I stop walking feeling tears well up in my eyes
"Where's ross?"I whisper to my dad and he just looks at me. I grab the bottom of my dress and run. I run down to the dressing room and lock the door. Soon there are shouts and knocks on the door
"Laura come on. We're really sorry. No one knows where he is"I hear my sisters voice over my sobbing
I wake up tied to a chair in an old warehouse
"Help!"I yell and Carly walks out
"Calm down ross damino left"she sits on my lap and I can't stop her because my hands are tied
"Wait damino? Lauras dad?!?!?"I scream. She puts her finger on my lips
"Carly you have to let my go. Laura is going to kill me if I'm not at the alter"I beg and she rolls her eyes
"What will it take for you to let me go?"I beg. She stands up
"I want you to......kiss me"she softly says. She walks back to me and leans over. She plants a kiss on my lips and I have to kiss back so she will let me go. Instead she undoes my belt. I push her off any way I can
"Untie me please"I start crying. She walks behind me and unties my hands. I quickly untie my feet then stand up
"Wait"she yells. I stop and turn around. She is holding a gun
"Ok calm down"I walk back towards her
I sit up against the dressing room door crying. It's been 2 hours now
"Mommy?"a faint voice says behind the door
"Rachel?"I sit up and open the door. Vanessa is holding rachel in her arms. She puts her on the floor. At first she crawls but she grabs a chair and pulls herself up and waddles her way over to me. She falls in my lap and I give her a big hug. Everyone walks in and sits around me. Rocky closes the door
"We're really sorry laura"ratliff is the first person to speak.i hug rachel close to my chest
"You know when ross went off with Carly the night that he said he didn't love rachel, I promised her that I would find her a daddy. I just wanted it to be ross"I look at rachel
"We did to trust us"rydel puts her hand on my arm
"Carly always ruins everything. I think ross likes her even though he says he doesn't. Every time she's around its like he's mesmerized"rikers eyes go wide
"Carly!"he rips Vanessa's phone out of her hands and dials a number
"You lucky I didn't shoot you yet"Carly walks closer to me with the gun still aimed at my head. Then her phone rings
Hello? he's not here........who is this?......oh well tell laura that ross is gone
Laura? She's ok?
"Laura!"I yell hoping she can hear me through the phone
"Laura help me!"I yell. Then Carly shoots the gun
"Well?"vanessa asks me
"He's dead"I whisper and we all look at laura
"W-what?"shes trying not to cry
"He's with Carly. He yelled for us to help then Carly shoot and it went silent"I look around and everyone starts crying. Laura starts baling
Carly turns around to put her phone down and I run before she can turn around. I run out of the building. I don't have a car so I run. Then someone stops
"You need a ride?"the man asks me. Without hesitation I get in
"St Paul's church"I say. He turns around and drives to the church
"Mommy can I have a cookie?"nicole asks vanessa
"I should go. Keep the guests busy"she stands up and walks nicole out. Rachel tries to follow but falls. Rocky picks her up and walks out. Rydel and ratliff and ryland walk out also
"You ok?"riker rubs my arm
"No"I play with a piece of my dress while sniffling. Riker slides over to my side and gives me a hug. I hug back and cry in his jacket
"Thank you so much"I say before closing the door. The man drives off and I run into the church
"Ross?"I turn and see rydel
"Rydel where's laura?"I ask without greeting her
"Where have you been?"she snaps at me
"Where is laura?!?"I ask more sternly. She rolls her eyes and points to a flight of stairs. I take them downstairs
"Laura!"I yell
In between my sniffles I hear someone yell my name
"Did you hear that?"I sit up
"Laura!"I hear again. I stand up and open then door and see ross. Riker looks to
"Ross?"I wimply say. He looks at me. I'm so mad at him but at the same time im relieved that he's not dead
"Laura!"he yells again and runs towards me but I don't run to him. He stops in front of me and I see pain in his eyes
"You stupid little-!"I start to yell. I am about to punch him but he grabs my wrist. He does the same to my other arm. I struggle to get out of his grip then he kisses me. I sink into his warm lips and kiss back. His hands let my hands go. Instead of hitting him, I run my hands through my hair
"I'm sorry laura. Carly and your dad kidnapped me"he plays with my hair
"Wait my dad?"he nods
"No ross. I need time to think. You left me on our wedding day"I walk backwards away from him and walk upstairs

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