Frosting lips and brother competition

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"Wow"is all he could say
"I bet he is going to do anything to make me look bad"I sigh then riker gets up
"Riker, you can't tell anyone what I said"he nods then leaves
"Hey guys sorry about earlier"we all sit in the living room
"It's no problem were just happy that your here now"makenzie says and I smile
"So what should we do?"I ask folding my hands
"How about we make cookies"Demi claps her hands and we all get up
"I'll be right back"I run to the bathroom and throw up. This time it's puke and blood. It hurts
"Lar are you ok?"I hear Bridget behind the door
"Uh yeah just the baby sickness"I get up and open the door
"Let's go then"we walk into the kitchen
"All right let's start"Demi grabs all the stuff and we start making them
"Hey Mackenzie think fast"Demi grabs a fists full of flour and throws it at Mackenzie
"Oh it's on"before she can throw flour back, Bridget cracks an egg on her head
"Hold on guys"makenzie grabs sugar and throws it at me. Soon we are all throwing flour, sugar, and eggs at eachother
"Demi do you have frosting?"she nods then I grab it
"Who wants lipstick?"they all raise their hands and I start spreading the frosting on their lips. Makenzie puts sprinkles on everyone
"How do I look?"she makes a kissy face
"You look sexy"we all laugh then I pull out my phone
"Selfie time"we all pose with the frosting lips and flour and egg hair. I take multiple selfies then we all just laugh
"Man I wish ross was here. He would probably lick the frosting off your lips for you"Bridget smirks
"Yeah totally"I say unsure
"What's wrong?"we all sit on the island in the kitchen
"Promise me you won't tell anyone"the all look at me and nod
"Ross, after you guys left we were taking and he um he asked me to marry him"they all smile
"That's amazing"Demi yells and they all dance around
"No it's not"I yell and they stop
"I told him I needed time to think"Mackenzie gives me a confused look
"Why"she asks
"Because I'm still in school"Bridget rolls her eyes
"Lar, you love ross and yeah your still in school but your carrying his baby. You should marry him"I look down
"Anyway let's go get our pjs on then watch a movie"we all nod then walk upstairs
"You really think I should marry ross?"I pull Demi back
"I think it would be good for you"she walks to her room and I walk into the bathroom
"Done hurry up guys"Mackenzie yells. I walk out of the bathroom wearing a t shirt and long fluffy red pj pants. I look at Mackenzie and she has pink shorts and a tank top on. Demi walks out wearing green pj pants and a white shirt with a green heart on it. Bridget comes out wearing red and white plaid shorts and a great tank top
"Let's go"we all walk downstairs and sit in the living room
"So let's order a pizza"Bridget gets up and walks away on the phone
"First e need to talk"Demi faces me
"Boy or girl?"she asks and I could see Mackenzie perk up. Then Bridget comes back
"Um I didn't tell ross yet but it's actually fraternal twins"Demi smiles then hugs me
"You should tell him"I look at Bridget with concern
Laura isn't even home and ross thinks she is. I need to at least try and fight for her. Soon I see ross phone going off. I look at see that it's laura
Hey laura
Hey I have some news for you
Is this about the proposal?
Um no it's about the baby
Ok what is it?
It's actually fraternal twins
Twins? Lar we can't take care of two kids?
Anyway maybe if you don't want to marry me you should go give Rocky a big hug. I really love you but obviously you don't know if you love me so next time you see Rocky give him a hug
I hang up the phone. I can't believe I just did that. I take his phone and put it in my pocket
I walk back to the girls crying
"What's wrong?"Mackenzie asks and they all walk towards me
"R-ross doesn't wa-want twins and he wants me to give Rocky a hug since I don't love him"they all group hug me
"Do you love him?"I nod while still crying
"Well then tomarrow go home and tell him"I nod then the doorbell rings
"That's the pizza"Bridget goes to the door and we all sit down
"Doc when can I leave?"I ask
"Well actually it looks like you can leave right now"I smile
"Thank you"I sit up
"I'll just tell your mom to sign you out"I nod then he leaves and riker walks in
"Hey buddy I heard you get to go home tonight"I smile
"Yeah I can finally get laura"I stand up
"Just be careful. Laura is in a bad place right now"I nod
"Ok well we will be outside"he leaves and I get ready
"Hey guys"my mom hugs me
"Let's go home"I nod then we all go in the car and drive home
"We're home"riker yells and Rocky and ryland come down
"Hey guys"ryland says
"Where's laura?"I ask and Rocky looks at me
"No she's at a sleepover"he says and I glare at him
"Well dinner is already delayed so did you guys eat?"ryland nods then goes back upstairs
"I'm going to call laura has anyone seen my phone?"everyone looks around but no one can find it
"It's has to be somewhere"I say frustrated then I hear a buzzing noise
"Um I have to call ross and make sure he's ok. He's still in the hospital"Selena nods then I walk away. I dial ross number and it rings
I keep looking then I hear a buzzing noise
"What is that?"rydel asks
"It's my phone but where is it?"Rocky turns around and starts walking upstairs. The buzzing stops then Rocky starts running
"Wait Rocky!"I run after him
"Why do you have my phone?"I ask then he turns around
"Fine sorry you left it here"he takes it out of his pocket and hands it to me. I grab it and search to see if he did anything. Then I see something
"Rocky, why do I have a call from laura in my history?"I show him my phone and he pushes it down
"She called here and I answered that's all"he rolls his eyes
"Is that all? What did you say to her?"he crosses his arms
"I didn't say anything to her she just wanted to talk to you"I nod then go to my room and call her
We all laugh hysterically and drink our soda
"Are you sure there's no alcohol in here?"I ask and Demi nods. All of a sudden my phone goes off
"Oh. My god"I perk up "it's ross"I put my drink down
"We'll answer it"bridget demands taking a bit of pizza. I look at my phone then get up and walk away. I press the answer button and put it up to my ear
Uh hey ross
I got to come home today and I wish you were here
What are you talking about?
You don't remember our conversation earlier?
What conversation I didn't have my phone. Why what did you say?
I was going to tell you that I got the baby results back and it's fraternal twins
Wow that's great
Really? So I shouldn't give Rocky a hug later?
Wait what? No don't hug Rocky and I'm happy for you for us actually but I have to call you back
Ok bye
I hang up the phone then walk back to the girls
"So what did he say?"Mackenzie asks
"Uh well he said that he was happy about the twins and he didn't have his phone at the hospital so I must have called someone else
"Or someone else answered"Demi says drinking her soda
Once I hang up the phone I run to Rockys room
"What the h*** dude"I push him
"What"he asks innocently
"You talked to laura did you tell her you like her?"I yell
"Woah calm down ross no I didn't say anything to her but I might have done something else"I look at him
I grab ross phone and dial Vanessa's number
Hey vanessa it's Rocky
Hey um what's up?
Oh I need to tell you that lauras having fraternal twins
Oh wow that's great news for them but why are you telling me?
Because I need you to tell your dad and also look up ross shor lynch. He has a bad history
Really what did he do?
Well when he was 15 he went to jail for drunk driving
Oh my gosh ok I'll tell my dad thank you for everything
No problem
"You told her father are you insane?!?!"I yell pushing him again
"Look I'm sorry I really care for laura. To much to not fight for her"he yells back
"You know what whatever her dad can't even come near me. He has a restraining order"I walk out and call laura again
Hey I have some bad news
What is it?
It's about your dad. Rocky was the one you talked to earlier so he called vanessa and told her everything
What is everything exactly?
Um he said to look me up and see what I did in order to make him hate me more
How can he hate you more?
Because when I was 15, I went to jail for drunk driving
You did what?!?!?
I'm sorry I didn't tell up you but I thought it was history
It's never going to be history you will always be a bad boy
No laura stop you have it all wrong
No I don't. You lied to me about who you were and you got me pregnant
I'm sorry please. Just come home and I'll explain everything
No need to explain I know everything perfectly
She hangs up the phone
"Uh that was ross"I sit back down and take my drink
"What happened?"Demi asks
"Uh well it was Rocky who talked to me not ross and also ross told me that he has a criminal record"they all widen their eyes
"Really? What did he do?"I bite my pizza
"He was arrested for drunk driving when he was 15"a tear falls down my cheek

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