Revealing secrets and picking paths

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"Bye guys"I give ross a sweet kiss then I leave with vanessa. We get home and my parents are in their room
"Don't bother them just go to bed. You have school tomarrow"I roll my eyes and go upstairs. I get my pajamas on then I get a text
I miss you babe. Remember, don't give up on your dream
My dream is stupid
No it's not. Don't let your parents tell you what you can and can't do in life
Easy for you to say your parents accept you for who you are. Me on the other hand. I have to be perfect
Please. Don't go to Yale to become a teacher
It's to late. It's happening. I'm leaving on Thursday
How can I live knowing you may never come back
If I come back it will be for you. Let's make a deal, if I come back then we get married and have a big family
Deal. I love you so much
I love you to. Goodnight
I put my phone down then get in bed. Only 2 more days
"Mom!"I yell and go downstairs
"Yeah baby?"she asks
"How are you going to keep $3000 from dad?"I whisper
"I'm giving laura the money that her father gave me. For her adoption"she whispers back
"I'm really going to miss laura"Rocky says from the living room. My mom and I walk in
"I know. Why don't we throw her a party. The day she leaves we can throw her a going away party"rydel fangirls and we all laugh
"Ok"I say "well I better go to bed"I kiss my moms cheek then walk upstairs and go to bed
The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon. I jump up and run downstairs
"Hey babe bacons almost done"my mom says
"So how was everything yesturday?"my dad asks and I roll my eyes sitting down
"Um well I got first place in cheeleading, the lead in the play and I got money for collage"my mom looks at me
"Yup I'm leaving Thursday"I smile
"That's great honey"my dad sets a plate of bacon on the table and my mom imediatly grabs a lot
"Woah mom slow down"I say but she keeps eating
"I can't he needs to be-"she stops and looks at me
"Wait your pregnant?"I ask trying not to cry
"Yeah"she says
"Um I have to go to school"I get up and grab my bag
"I'll drive you"my dad says
"No I'll just walk"I slowly walk out of the door letting the cold breeze hit me. I walk out then I grab my phone and call bridget
Hey omg I had the best night ever
I didn't
Well spencer took me out to dinner at a really fancy resturaunt then we went back to his house and had some fun
Wait you
Are you?
No I don't think so
Well you want to know something? My mom is
Your mom is Prego?
Yeah and it sucks they just want to get rid of me
Wow that sucks
Yeah but you can't tell anyone
Ok I won't. But I bet ross knows cause vanessa and riker
Yeah but he would have told me anyway I have to go
Kk see you at school
I hang up. Then put my phone back in my pocket. I cry all the way to school. Once I walk in, I walk to my locker and get ready for class
"Hey lar"I look and see jake. I smile
"Hey"he looks down
"So I'm really going to miss you when you leave"he says
"Yeah I'll miss you to"I give him a sweet hug
"Me to"he says then we walk to class together
Throughout the whole day I was thinking about my mom. Soon it was lunch time. I got up and walked to lunch
"Hey Kelsey"I put my apron on and we start serving people
"So congrats on the play"Kelsey says and I give her a weak smile
"Thanks. But I'm leaving on Thursday for collage"I sigh and she gives me a side hug
"I'm going to miss you. Is there something else on your mind?"she asks
"Yeah. My mom. She's pregnant"Kelsey's eyes went big
"No way"I sigh and nod. After lunch, the rest of the day went by fast. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of school. I didn't want to go home so I walked to ross house. I knocked on the door and vanessa answered it
"Oh hey laura come in"I walk in
"Do you live here now?"she nods
"Just until we find an apartment"she walks back in the living room and I get get greeted by everyone. Ross comes over and hugs me but I don't hug back
"What's wrong?"we sit down and everyone looks at me
"So. Moms pregnant"I blurt out and everyone's eyes get big just like Kelsey
"Are you serious?"stormie asks and I nod. I look at Rocky and he doesn't pay attention
"Rocky did you hear what I said?"I ask
"Yeah and honestly I'm not surprised"he says
"Why?"I ask confused
"Oh no one told you?"I look around and everyone was looking down
"Tell me what?"I ask out loud
"Your parents have been trying to get pregnant ever since you meet ross. That's why they didn't go to your competition or the play. And all the times before that was because they don't like how you are so involved in school I guess"Rocky says. I look and ross and he doesn't look me in the eye
"So you all knew this was happening?"i look at everyone but they don't look at me
"Well to tomarrow it will be ok because I am leaving right after school. You won't have to see me ever again. Just look at the baby and act like its me"I storm out then ross runs after me
"Laura stop!"he runs after me
"You know I came to your house to get away from people lying to me because you are the only person who is honest with me but I guess I was wrong"I start walking away then he grabs my wrist and spins me around
"Ross, I'm leaving tomarrow. Your free"I shake my arm free of his grasp then run away. I don't run home I run to Bridget's house. I knock on her door and her mom answers the door
"Can I stay here tonight?"I ask and her mom lets me in
"Bridget lauras here"her mom yells then she comes downstairs along with her little brother
"Oh my gosh laura?"she runs up to me and we hug
"So laura there is a free bedroom upstairs but how long are you going to be here?"her mom asks
"Just tonight"she nods then bridget leads me upstairs. Her brother follows
"Hey guys"her brother says as we get settled
"Hey Luke. Can you go get some blankets?"he nods and walks away
"So your really close with your brother?"she nods
"Yeah he's like the best brother there is"he comes back and throw the blankets on the bed
"Thanks"Bridget says then I grab the blankets. Luke then jumps on Bridget's back and she starts running around the room laughing
"Ok kids time for bed. I think laura needs her sleep"her mom walks in then Luke jumps off Bridget's back
"Goodnight"Bridget's says then they all leave. I sit on my bed and soon I fall asleep
"Ugh"I yell with frustration
"It's ok ross"rydel rubs my back
"No it's not. I lost her. She's leaving tomarrow probably forever"I run my hands through my hair
"So why don't you go to the airport and stop her. Bridget told us to watch laura on YouTube. We watched her singing and she is really good. We all know she doesn't really want to be a teacher"Rocky says and I look down
"Uh yeah. Her parents want her to take over the ranch. She doesn't want to so she had to quit music"i sigh then go upstairs to bed
I wake up from screaming and laughing. I get up and walk downstairs to see bridget giving Luke a piggy back ride. I smile them
"Hey lar"her mom greets me
"What time are you leaving today?"Bridget asks as Luke jumps off her back
"Um I was going to go to the airport right after school. Ross mom gave me $10000. My dad gave it to her as my adoption fee but since he ripped my birth certificate she kept the money and now is paying for my collage"her mom hands me a cup of coffee and I take a sip
"Well time for school"her mom says and we grab our bangs and drive to school

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