Comfort and husbands

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"Hey mom can you take Nicole to your place after? Riker doesn't want her at the hospital right away"she smiles and nods
"Of course. You want me to take Rachel to for some alone time with Laura?"I shake my head
"Where is Laura?"my mom and I both look around anxiously searching for Laura. I even start getting worried
"Yo rocky can you try and find Laura?"I catch him walking away then he nods and leaves
I am sitting on the hill overlooking the world. Ross old house. The bank. School. When I hear someone coming. I turn around and see rocky
"Hey"he says but all I do is look back out. He ends up sitting next to me with his knees up by his chin
"You ok?"he looks over at me but I look down
"Do you think I made a mistake? Marrying Ross?"I look at him on the last part
"What are you saying? Did something happen?"he drops his knees so they lay on the grass straight
"Savannah. She talked to me and said that I'm the reason Carly is missing and that even if I wanted to leave, Ross would always have Carly"I look down at my hands and play with my fingers
"Well I know Ross can't live without you. When you went to Yale, he was a wreck"I can't help but smile
"Until Carly showed up. Besides I only went to Yale for like a week before I came home to be with Ross"I rub my forehead and look forward
"Is that what this is about?"I see him looking at me. I bite my lip to stop the tears
"I've given up so much to be with him but, everything I do has a negative impact on me. Everything I do is for him but nothing for me. He's never taken me on a date, bought me flowers, wished me goodnight"I look down and tears come out. I'm not even going to try and stop them this time. Rocky puts a hand on my back
"Why are you here rocky?"I glance up at him
"Ross sent me to find you"I let out a little chuckle
"I'm sorry I'll go get him"he stands up and runs back to the house. I just sit and wait for Ross
"Dude"rocky runs up to me
"Did you find her?"I ask him and he nods
"She's on the hill. I'll watch the kids just go"there is a bit of tension in his voice. Like he's worried. I pat him on the back then run to the hill. When i get to the top I see Laura sitting facing the world
"Laura?"I ask out loud. She doesn't turn around but I hear her crying. I run and sit next to her
"Laura what's wrong?"I try to hug her but she turns her body
"No Ross I don't want you to see me cry"she wipes her face with her hands
"What? That's crazy Laura I'm here for you. Why don't you want me to see you crying?"she faces me
"Because then you will think I'm weak and run off with Carly"she yells and cries more
"Laura, I told you Carly is not a threat to us"I look at her but she doesn't look at me
"It's not just that. Ever since I meet you, my life has changed. I don't know if it is good or bad"she looks at me
"What do you mean? Do you not love me?"she shakes her head
"Of course i love you. I'm so in love with you that I have given everything up just to be with you"she gestures with her hands
"Because of our relationship I don't have a mom, a dad, an education..."she uses her fingers to count everything
"I-I'm sorry Laura but your thinking of all the negatives. How about the positives. We are in love. You will always have me here. We have Rachel plus this new baby that is going to be another one of our perfect creations"I out my hand on her cheek and this time she doesn't move away
"Laura I love you. Carly is not a threat to us"I lean in to her height and kiss her
"I'm sorry I ruined your night"I lean my forehead on hers
"You didn't ruin it. I'm glad your happy again"she lets out a little laugh
"Come on let's get back to the party"Laura stands up and we walk back down the hill hand in hand with Laura leaning her head on my shoulder

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