~19~ Bloody Fingerprints (+Sims Photos!)

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Just a reminder! Project Nightfall is different in these books. It has nothing to do with canon KOTLC

Ruy paced, his hands mussing his hair. This was a risk he shouldn't be making. Seamus wasn't being watched. He was written off by every single member of the Neversen that could be a threat to Ruy. He was invisible and exactly who Ruy needed.

He gave very specific instructions to Seamus. But the man was not a spy, and he doesn't know Inalia well. Ruy only hoped that his instructions were clear enough.

Ruy jumped at the feeling of fur along his ankle. Seamus's cat was weaving between his legs, softly purring. Seamus was yet to come up with a name for the cat, but they were practically attached by the hip. The only reason she liked Ruy was that Seamus told her he was okay.

"Go on now." Ruy muttered, shaking off the feline. The cat just sat in front of him, cocking her head.

"Go on. Git." She just flicked her ears at him.

Ruy groaned. He hated just sitting here. Maybe-

"Ruy?" Seamus asked, shuffling up to him. Ruy jumped to his feet, the kitten running to Seamus.

"How did it go?! Did they take the info? Were there anyone to watch you drop the report-"

Seamus blinked, putting up a hand, "It went well. Yes, they took the info. Two people watched me drop the info to the site you marked."

"Two people? Were they hooded?"

"Yeah, they looked like your Assassin friends. They watched me walk away before taking the report from the drop off location."

Ruy felt like a million pounds of his shoulders. That report was his first one and made Seamus drop it off to one of Maria's spy outposts. It held everything he learned from himself and the information Sophie gave him. Ruy can't imagine how worried Alexios and Filomena were about her.

And most importantly, it has the information on Governor Heinrich. Hopefully, Alexios can get the information to Queen Arsinoe before it's too late.

"Perfect. Thank you Seamus." Ruy breathed, patting him on his shoulder. Seamus and Ruy walked side by side in the lower parts of the Castello, carefully whispering.

"Why are you here if your aren't loyal?"

"I could ask the same question of you."

Seamus shrugged, stopping to scoop up his kitten, "Safety. I'm from the Neutral territories. The Neverseen hold such a powerful hold throughout them I just felt joining was natural. But I mostly just wanted to get away from home."

Ruy nodded, "I see."

"Why are you here though? You never did answer my question."

Ruy thought for a moment, contemplating his answer. He was here because his mother wanted him. But he still didn't know what for.

"I'm here for information. Nothing more." Ruy said curtly. Seamus sensed the end of the conversation and awkwardly patted the cat's head, clearing his throat.

"Where do you think Hathem and Dom went?"

"Don't know, don't care." Ruy's mind drifted back to the Matchmaker lobby, to the awkward conversation he had with Grady. When Sophie hears about it, she is gonna laugh so hard she won't be able to stand.

But Ruy had to admit, he quite liked talking to Grady. It felt natural, at least, near the end when Ruy got over his shock. Ruy was excited at the suggestion Grady made about inviting the family over to dinner but trying to imagine it was difficult. He kept imagining taking his plate to the back of the house, trying to stay out of the way and out of the happy family reunion. Not to mention, he is not welcome in the Lost cities. He was still exiled. Would Grady and Edaline trust their daughter's word when she says Ruy could be trusted? Would they trust him with her heart?

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