~19~ The Three Firenze Sisters

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Okay, so I didn't post that week because I was encountering both school and home problems. Things cooled down, don't worry. So, as an apology for missing last week...

It gets a little hot in this chapter.

Now, I'm no smut writer, but I have no problem writing makeout scenes and letting things get hot.

I also am planning on posting a Oneshot on April 29th, sooooooo... yeah! I hope you enjoy ch 19! After I publish this I think I'm going to play some Stardew Valley :)

 yeah! I hope you enjoy ch 19! After I publish this I think I'm going to play some Stardew Valley :)

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They were right there, the man cradling the boy while the woman investigated me. Me, she investigated me! She was so close to freeing me- No! She was going to chain me down, just like mother and father did, that is why I left, why I sought a solution.

Oh, gods above, why did I pick this solution?!

I slithered into a dark alleyway, my massive clawed fingers shaking with both fear and adrenaline, this wicked thing in me laughing between my panting breaths.

The scent of Inalia was on those two. The woman who was so close to finding me, she was beautiful, I must say! If I had any of my former beauty, I might have had my hand at seducing her, enjoy her in my bed for a while. But she didn't seem like one who could be tempted, because she was a stone soldier, she walked like one and her eyes shone like one.

The shining brown eyes of a sword maiden, a creature of stealth just as I!

But she got to keep her beauty, why couldn't I keep mine?! We both are creatures of death!

My bloodied fingers ran through my hair, running through the thick coils of what was once beautiful locks, hisses of snakes running in my ears. Real or fake, were these hisses of snakes? I can't tell anymore, real or fake, real or fake, real or fake...

I wanted to stop, I would rather die and accept my defeat at the hands of my mother and father then go through this. To rip people apart by this beast filling my head and veins.

The beast controlled me, and something controlled the beast. Because something told it to write that eye on the wall through me, whispering particular words into its ear while it controlled my hand.

My cornflower blue eyes were the only thing left of me, and it too was beginning to take them over. Turning them into a brilliant viper green mixed with cold stone gray.

My eyes watered as I stared down at my deformed yet also remade body. That woman's blood stained my ratted clothes, by coiled hair, this beast inside me even smeared it on my forked tongue. Kartek, I think her name was. That woman's screams as she begged me she didn't know where the papers went, that she just needed a bit more time... they still rung in my ears.

The hisses started again, and the beast could understand their forked tongues as it started forward. Toward a new part of Egypitnat, even in broad daylight. I wondered if my partner was having as much luck as I, but I doubt it.

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