~34~ A Pre-Wedding Scuffle

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Wylie's eyes watered as he read through the pages.

"I have fully integrated with the elven population. They are facinating creatures! I am starting to miss my family, however." Page 32.

"I met a boy today, his name is Prentice. He was the first elf that ever bought my jewelry! My spy efforts are small, but Allesandro seems to be desperate for them. I'm glad to help him. For now he just has me doing in-depth scouting of certain cities." Page 64

"Prentice and I just got married, and I think I already fell pregnant. And though I am worried about my line of work and a home life, I know I can do it. I think it is a boy. I don't know what to name him. But in a much more dire situation, a woman has discovered my identity. A woman named Caprise Redek. But she has been a friend so far, but I need to keep her at a safe distance. I will not allow her to become a risk to my cause." Page 138.

"Allesandro said he promises the guild will keep my baby safe, which helps. He also recommended the name Wylie. He heard it in his travels in the Neutral territories. It means crafty and clever. He said he would be just like his mother, just as clever as me. It has a ring to it, I'm not going to lie. I also think I want to make Allesandro the Rastus father. It seems appropriate. But I'm starting to feel guilty about keeping my identity secret for so long, especially from Prentice. I think I need to tell him." Page 189.

"Caprise has been acting terribly down in the dumps since her and her husband split. Maybe, and just maybe, Allesandro can help. He knows what it is like to raise a girl alone, maybe he can help her if I introduce them-" Wylie shut the book, taking a deep breath. Sophie gave him his space, not quite knowing what to say.

"Let's take a break. I can get you more water?" She proposed.

Wylie shook his head, rubbing his hands over his face. "My mom... she was a spy? A spy, Sophie?" Wylie looked up, chuckling in cruel irony, "Your dad was the one that came up with my name." Wylie took a deep breath, his leg fidgeting. Sophie took a clean mug from the cupboard and turned to turn on the kettle. Edaline taught her how to work these elven kettles, so needlessly complex. The air was taut with tension, the shock settling between them.

Both Sophie and Wylie jumped as the mug resting safely on the counter dropped to the floor.

"Did you-"

"No." Sophie sat up slowly, kneeling to observe the shattered pieces. The apartment was empty. No one could've knocked it down. She carefully scooped up the pieces into her hand and slid them into the trash. Sophie pulled out a new mug and finished a cup of tea for Wylie, setting Cyrah's journal onto the table.

"I'll leave this with you to help you figure out your thoughts. But it is highly valuable, alright? You have to promise you will keep it well protected." Sophie whispered.

Wylie nodded, watching his mother's journal as if it would jump up and eat him. Sophie kneeled in front of him, "Hey. I know this is hard for you, but I should get back before I tip off the Council. Don't tell anyone about this, okay? Not until we can get to the bottom of it. But take it easy, okay? Being a half Vatarian can be difficult on the psyche and physical body. Ruy Ignis is half vatarian as well, and he says it can be difficult sometimes."

Wylie nodded, his head in his hands. Sophie opened her minyama, pointing to the code atop it.

"If you need to reach me, type in this code into your imparter. Or you can ask the Black Swan to see me, but don't tell them what for, okay?"

Wylie nodded, looking at her with teary eyes, "Okay. Can you do something for me?"

"Of course."

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