~16~Kynareth is Growing Impatient.

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I know this chapter is super late, but I am been sick over here (NO I DON'T HAVE CORONA, JUST A COLD) and this was one of the hardest chapters for me to write. Because of that, there may be a few spelling mistakes here and there (they are always in my story) and some confusion. If there is anything you guys are really confused about because of a typo then just comment it and let me know. But since we are on the topic, I just want to everyone to know you are in my hopes and I know everyone will get through this! If you ask me, if we keep washing our hands, keeping healthy practices, and vibing away the germs, then this coward of a 'global pandemic' won't know what hit it! Remember, if you ever need to talk, my DMs are always open! Now, onto the story!

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They stayed in that strategy room for hours. The letters varied when it came to responses, but they all agreed on one thing.

Changing where they would be meeting.

It was initially going to be Inalia, but since Inalia's location was compromised, they all suggested Egypinat. Sophie and a few other influential members in Vatarian society would be invited, people from different guilds, politicians, noble people, and all of the Vatarian leaders.

Including the Senate.

Everyone groaned out loud when they realized the Senate would be attending. The whole purpose of the meeting was to try to keep the Senate out of this, but the other Vatarian leaders decided it would be better to bring them in. But, that also means they would get to see what damage Maria did to Vincenzo during their fight in the town square, and everyone was itching to see the damage she left. They realized that they needed to make sure they had all updated information on all the leaders and the attending parties, along with shadowing them. Mansi volunteered to shadow the Master Cheiftan of Wampanoag, the chief elected by all of the Wampanoag to represent them all since she knew Wampanoag best and would blend in the most.

Alvar volunteered to shadow the Elven Council; he knew the Lost Cities the best, and his family could help him stay undercover. He wanted to make sure the Elves would keep their noses out of Vatarian affairs. Maha volunteered to spy on the King of Avrima, but no one volunteered to eye the Governor of Cariana. But they knew Sophie sure as hell wasn't going to do it.

Sophie tossed out Chiranu's and Egyptinat's letters onto the table.

"Arsinoe and Fang Guanyu want to meet. Privately, it seems, in the Prayer district in Egyptinat, two nights before the meeting. It seems all parties attending were expected to arrive two days in advance to make sure if there are any last minutes decisions made, they can quickly change things if need be, including us. But we need to find our own lodging, since Assassin Guilds aren't exactly legal, and not supposed to be represented at a government hosted function. At least not in the official eyes of the government and people. But we are expected to attend. Quietly."

"Psh, quietly my ass. I'm bringing my best dresses, and they aren't quiet." Mansi muttered to Maha, who giggled with her.

Sophie looked up at all of them, "Our allies Fang Guanyu of Chiranu and Queen Arsinoe of Egypinat are asking to see the Mirthless Infusing machine blueprints and the Book of Mirthless." Sophie sighed.

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