~25~ Bargaining chips and Casino chips

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Suuuuperrrrr Unedited. Sorry folks, but don't act like it isn't regular for me. I try my best.


Alexios smiled as he adjusted the lapels on his jacket, combing his hair back with his fingers. He pushed open the doors to the casino with a final breath, striding down the red felt stairs. Bawdy drunks and sneaky liars alike gathered in this casino. They have wanted to hit it for the past three months, and they finally had the chance. Nour sat at the bar, a buttoned-down black get-up with combed hair and the pinnacle of rich asshole trying to gamble away his money. He stirred his dirty martini and looked over the masses with feigned disinterest. 

Maha wore the black suit and white button-down combo as she dealt the cards at the blackjack table in the middle of the casino

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Maha wore the black suit and white button-down combo as she dealt the cards at the blackjack table in the middle of the casino. They originally planned to have Ruy behind one of the tables since he was the best pickpocketer and slighters they had, but Maha agreed to pick up his role since he was out of commission. And only a few tables over, his sister, Amalia Hera Morretti, read her dealt cards with a blank face.

She didn't even look at him when he sat down at the table across from her. She wore Maria's jewelry, seeing as she didn't have any large pieces herself. It matched with her satin body con dress that looked like the ocean was draped over her skin and ended a bit too short. The metallic sheen of the satin and the glittering silver of her necklaces and dangling earrings radiated wealth and superiority. His sister's hair into a tight high ponytail that swayed with each move of her head as she reached to grab her chips.

"Call." She sighed, her cards tight in her hand as she threw the plastic chips into the money pot. The men and women around her folded their cards and called her bet, respectively, watching as the man at the table revealed three cards to all of them. Two tens and an ace of spades.

Amalia kept her face as cold as ever, but Alexios didn't miss the slight twitch of her right eye. His guess was she didn't have that good of a hand. And she knew the others' cards just as much as he did. A perk of being a trained killer, you notice everything.

Alexios quirked an eyebrow when she threw in even more chips and leaned back in her chair, "I raise 5,000." With that, everyone else threw their cards in except for one lith female and one ogre. Alexios tuned out, instead glaring over the casino floor. When he tuned back in, the final cards have been placed and it was final bets. The ace of hearts and a two of diamonds had also been turned.

"All in."

All of the color in the woman's face was gone, and her hands gripped the cards tight enough for them to buckle slightly and allow Alexios to get a peek at her cards. She had a four of clubs and a 10 diamonds. She had a pair, but she had no idea what Amalia had. The Lith woman spat awful curse words at Amalia as she folded her cards, crowning him the winner. Amalia smiled as she scooped all of her winning chips into her corner and waved down the man to count her winning.

"Aw, come on blondie-"

"I told you Jason, you can't call me that."

"And why not?"

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