Memes :)

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1k memes :) Also, my friend recently took over my Wattpad account and pretended to be me. She posted some weird note on my convo board but besides that, I don't think she did anything. But let me know if there is something she changed.

When Alvar and Mansi get married-

Alvar, very drunk: *points to Mansi* That's my girlfriend, suckers!

Nour, scoffing into his drink: That's your wife, dumbass.



Alexios: I am a creature of pure power-

Alexios: A trained warrior, faithfully serving my very own sister, Mentore Amalia Morretti!

Alexios: My levels of maturity and strength is-

Sophie: Yo, moron, your chicken nuggets are ready.

Alexios: N i C e


Sophie, being interrogated after being kidnapped:

Neverseen: *cracks knuckles*

Sophie: Is that supposed to intimidate me?

*fingers start to glow like glowsticks*

Sophie: k I'm scared but also that's rad-


Just, Maria and Filomena's marriage.

Maria: *Calls*

Filomena: This better be important, I'm busy.

Maria: Bees don't have lungs.

Filomena: *long pause* Tell me everything.


*Alexios opens a bag of original Lays potato chips*
*Alexios glares at Alvar from across the table*
Alexios, in Inalian: Hey, Lia, do you like Classic Lays or Sour Cream Lays?
Sophie, confused, in Inalian back: I prefer the barbeque ones actually *glances at Alvar* why are we looking at Alvar?
Alexios, practically growling: I want him to think we're talking about him, he barely understands Inalian. I like the plain ones on sandwiches. What about you?
Sophie, evilly grinning at Alvar: I eat sandwiches with the dill pickle flavor, so it tastes like a picnic.
Alvar: *nervous sweating*


Sophie: It's so dark in here.

Ruy: Don't worry Bae I got this.

Ruy: *stomps feet*

Ruy: *Sketchers light up*


Kidnappers: We have your child!
Maria: No you don't. Amalia is reading next to the fireplace, Alexios is sharpening his dagger, Maha is sewing, Mansi is helping Filomena with the tarts, Ruy is practicing on his guitar, and Alvar is hanging out with Lilac.
Kidnapper: Then who keeps yelling at us that our soldiers are poorly trained, calling us moronic disasters, and laughed at one of the soldiers when he tripped over his sword-"


Sophie, walking into a meeting: Sorry I'm late, I was doing something.

Emery, stumbling through the door: SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE STAIRS


Sibylline, designing Sophie's aethetic- Life is hard when I simultaneously want her to look like an ethereal fairy princess, a witch, a gothic heroine, and a disgruntled human being.

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