~3~The Old Kingdoms (+Q/A)

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King Dimitar paced as the calls rang through and through. Dex was fiddling with the Panic Ring receiver, trying to patch through to anyone or anything. Fitz sat beside his sister, his heart pounding in his ears as he waited. He hated waiting; he hated that he was sitting here on his ass while they could all be dead. Sophie was fine... she had to be okay. She was trained, they all were.

But Allesandro was better trained then all of them, and he was still...

No, no. Stop thinking like that. They were fine.

"Come on, come on, come on-"

Nour's face flickered on the screen. His grey-blue eyes darted around in confusion, his brow scrunched as his lips parted.

"King Dimitar?" He muttered.

"You look like hell!" Ro called out, gaping at the Vatarian's broken face. A split lip, bruised left eye, long gashes oozing blood down his face, hell was a bit of an understatement.

"Who... what?"

"Damn, I haven't seen any of you since you were kids," Dimitar muttered. Fitz looked at Ro in confusion, and she leaned down.

"My dad was friends with Sophie's dad. He used to visit Inalia every once and a while." Ro whispered.

"Dimitar, how did you- why-"

"Your mentore and I hatched a bit of an alliance a while back when things were getting a bit dicey for you guys. She gave me the input numbers for your Minyamas. It is also on a private encrypted channel, so even though it's choppy, we can still communicate."

Mansi and Alvar's faces crackled through behind Nour, surprisingly only Alvar matching Nour's injuries. Mansi was left mostly unharmed like the Neverseen were avoiding hurting her.

"Alvar?" Biana asked, her voice quiet. Alvar smiled, the smallest amount of blood dried on his lip, "Hey Bia, hey Fitz. We're alright, don't worry." He responded, squeezing Mansi's waist.

"Dimitar? Its been a few years, huh? How are you?" Mansi asked warmly, gently rubbing her hand over Alvar's arm.

"Apparently better than you guys. What the hell happened?!" Dimitar snapped.

"How did you know what happened? None of our calls have been getting through, and for some reason, our panic rings are going unheard by the Guild."

Dex awkwardly cleared his throat, nervously shuffling up to hold up his receiver.

"I managed to pick up on your signals, and we came to Dimitar for help. We just assumed something went wrong."

"Hey, nice going, Dizznee! Saving our asses is what you are doing!" Mansi praised. Dex smiled, his cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink in embarrassment.

"What happened?" Ro pushed.

Nour pushed Mansi out of the frame, and quietly recounted the events of the Conference. The Dunmer-Vatarian alliance was signed right before the events took place, the threat of civil war in Inalia that was revealed by the Senate, and the possible charge of a war crime against the Elven Council. But then he went into the account of the attack. The Neverseen caught them entirely off guard and managed to push Arsinoe out of her own city.

"The Neverseen are occupying Egypitnat." He finished. Fitz was so pale he looked like a ghost, Biana had her hands over her mouth, and no one said a thing.

"We are completely stranded. We are hiding out with a few of the leaders in a Medjay safe house. But the Neverseen are everywhere, and unless we find a way out of here, we are sitting ducks. They are going to find us." Nour explained.

A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora