~22~ Always in Chains

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Ya girl is back! Just wanted to give a quick announcement. @bubblekissed is doing an interview with me on their AAD fan book! I'm super pumped and want to share it on here. I shared the news on my previous one shot, but not everyone reads the one-shots and I really wanted to get the news out there! I'll let everyone know when the interview is done. Now enjoy the chapter!

3823 words.
Super unedited.


The silence in the elegant parlor was agonizing

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The silence in the elegant parlor was agonizing. Alexios sat on the ottoman, his head in his hands. Mansi and Alvar were sitting on the barstools, Mansi gripping her fiance's arm tighter and tighter the more Sophie and Maha told. Nour glower at his feet, leaning against the fireplace with Filomena holding onto Nour's shoulder, ready to faint. You could only truly hear the crackling of the faint fire in the marble fireplace.

Maha had done this before. Her fathers knew she was an heiress. But the only person Sophie told was Ruy. And it was so much easier than this.

She and Maha had told them everything. Every little thing.

"If Kynareth hadn't found you and Leto," Filomena started, looking up to Sophie.

Sophie nodded, "I would still be dead."

Filomena's eyes watered, looking down and tightening her grip on Nour's shoulder. Alexios ran his hands down his face, tightly clamping them together in his lap. Only then did Sophie see her brother's tears.

"Excuse me," He muttered, briskly walking out of the room. The agonizing silence but was cut by Filomena.

"Your father had one of these artifacts. When you were in Cariana years ago. Do you have any clue where it could be?" Filomena asked.

"Not a clue. I had no idea he even knew it existed."

Filomena took a deep breath, crossing her arms.

"Filomena?" Nour inquired, noting something was off.

Filomena bit her lip before beginning, "For the last few months before he passed, Allesandro got secretive."

"My pater was a secretive man." Sophie countered.

"No, but this was something different. He would disapeer on missions not even Leto or Maria knew about. And he had correspondances with people outside of the guild."

Sophie tensed, "And you only brought this up now?"

"Knowing how tense things were after the Fall, people would've thought he orchestrated the Fall of Inalia. And we were comepltely in the dark about it all. Leto was furious Allesandro was leaving him out of things." Filomena's eyes widened, "Oh gods, Leto. His ramblings... Maria just thought it was his sickness, but it was true. It was all true. She went to Egypitnat to find a cure for him."

Nour straightened, his mind already working, "We need to find these artifacts fast. Mansi, where is the one Cynna gave you?"

Mansi just realized what was sitting at home. What she cried over when she thought of Cynna, "It is on my dresser. Oh gods, that thing is on my dresser." Mansi turned to Sophie, "Is that why Cynna gave it to us in the cloth? Becuase if our skin touched it-"

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