AAD/GOMLS Memes & playlists cuz I promised to do them a while ago.

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The title says it all lets do it BOIS-

Mansi: The verbal language is weird. Telling someone "you are shit" and "you ain't shit" are both insults.

Alexios: "You are not shit" is also a reassurance.

Sophie: But "You are not the shit" is also an insult.

Ruy: Okay, but "you are the shit is a compliment."

Nour, eye twitching: You guys it is 3 in the morning.


Alvar: Two years ago today, I married my best friend...

Everyone: Awwwwww-

Alvar: Mansi is still pretty mad about it, but Ruy and I were drunk and thought it was funny.


Sophie when she was first trying to deny her feelings about Ruy.

Sophie: Ruy made me feel things.

Alexios: What things?

Sophie: Feelings.

Alexios: Ruy made you feel feelings?

Sophie: Yeah.

Alexios: What a bitch.


When the little Malvar baby comes along~

Ruy: *gets cut by a knife Sophie threw* Ow, for fu-

Alvar: Ruy, there are children present!

Ruy: For... fun's sake?

Mansi, not caring: Nice save.

Sophie: Yeah babe. Fucking nailed it.


Sophie when Ruy first came with them to Inalia.

Sophie: Do you plan to follow us to Inalia?

Ruy: Yup.

Sophie: And you plan to join my Guild of killer warriors?

Ruy: I'm certainly not going to enjoy the weather.


Nour, being the big scary training commander he is: Can you tell me why the fuck you are late for training?

Sophie, wearing cat-eye sunglasses, holding Starbucks, and clearly just woke up: Someone told me to go to hell.

Sophie: At first I couldn't find it.

Sophie: But now I'm here.


Sophie when she was with the elves: I'm not special, I don't fit in, I'm just your regular plain jane with no confidence and being used in a *staring war with the Neverseen against my will, a puppet for the council and Black Swan to use...

Sophie now: Get in my way and I will run you over with a steam roller, hell fucking yeah I'm hot, but I use that shit as a weapon. Pretty faces hide the sharpest daggers. I come when I want too, I know who I am and NO ONE is gonna change that, especially you, Councilor Alina with your lame ass circlet and fucking castle, oh you wanna fight?! LETS FRICKIN GO-


Tarot Reader: Now I will read your fortune.

Sophie: Cool, I guess.

Tarot Reader: Why is every card death, what the fuck? I don't even have this many death cards!

Sophie: Figures.

A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora