~22~Darker Minds are Easier to get Lost in

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Sophie was barely able to roll out of the way in time, Cynna's massive claws swinging for her neck. She tumbled but managed to pull her sword out its sheath. Mansi and Alexios were already moving, Alexios running and climbing up the building side, jumping up behind Cynna and pulling out his greatsword. Mansi's bow was taught and nocked, and she released an arrow. Cynna heard the whistle as the arrow cut through the wind, but wasn't fast enough to turn away. Mansi's arrow got her in the shoulder, and she roared, her entire spine arching back and her fingers twitching. Cynna pulled the arrow out of her shoulder with a snarl and turned to Mansi.


Sophie darted forward, grabbing one of her daggers and holding it in her opposite hand of her sword. Cynna heard her footsteps and swiped at Sophie with her claws.

One scrape from those things, and it was all over. Even a little scratch of those things on Sophie's bare skin and the Medirasa poison would take her out.

Sophie ducked underneath Cynna's flying arm and swung at her stomach with her dagger, her sword going for her legs. Sophie managed to get a hit in across her stomach, but Cynna kicked Sophie in the chest before her sword could hit, causing her to fly across the dirt.

Alexios came up behind Cynna, his greatsword coming down on her back. Cynna roared, the snakes on her head hissing at him. Cynna whipped around amazingly fast, grabbing Alexios by the neck before his sword could touch her. By his neck, she swung him to the ground, screeching. On the ground, Alexios pulled at her hand as it tried to crush his windpipe. Panic settled through Sophie as she saw Alexios gasping for air.

They have never taken on something like this, they have defeated all different types of people, all different kinds of Mirthless. But both of them in the same enemy?

Mansi nocked another arrow, one drowned in Oxalite, and let it go loose. She nailed Cynna in the groove of her spine, a direct hit. Cynna screeched, letting go of Alexios's throat. Sophie's brother coughed and gasped for air, even as Cynna stood over him, pulling the arrow out and snapping it in her hand.

In not the smartest move, Sophie sprinted and tackled Cynna off Alexios, both of them tumbling down the ruined building side. Both of them screamed on the way down, landing on the rubble with a thud. Sophie groaned and tried to push herself up, but Cynna was up first, even with the Oxalite running through her.

Gods above was she immune to Oxalite?!

Cynna swiped at Sophie with her claws, trying to rip apart her gut. Luckily, Sophie's breastplate, which covered her entire front, took the hit for her. The Medirasa poison bubbled and melted against the metal, three long claw marks down the length of her stomach.

Too close.

Cynna hissed in displeasure and raised her hand to attack again. Sophie kicked her in the knees, causing her massive body to fall atop Sophie's. Sophie unlocked her hidden blade out of its gauntlet and sunk it into her rips. Cynna screamed, the snakes atop her head writhing. Sophie tossed Cynna off her, flipping around and again planting her blade in Cynna's shoulder this time. Cynna punched Sophie square in the jaw with her other hand, causing her to again fly back. Usually, the jaw was like the snooze button in a fight, one nice hit to that jawline, and you are out of the battle. Sophie managed to try to stretch away from the fist, and Cynna's blow weakened enough for it just to hurt like a bitch but not knock Sophie out. Sophie tumbled, her entire body aching and her jaw throbbing. Sophie looked up-

And Cynna was gone.

"What the hell?!" Sophie roared.

"She didn't run, Lia! She is part Medirasa, which means she probably falls to their natural instincts."

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