~5~The True Monster

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Sophie turned slowly on her heel, meeting Fintan's blue eyes. His once handsome features are were now gaunt; he had scars running over and through his pale skin, his face looking almost always snarling. Though Sophie and Fintan have had skirmishes every once and a while, they never actually talked face to face.

Fintan stepped back a bit, looking Sophie up and down.

"Grew into those curves of yours, finally?" Fintan drawled. Sophie swallowed, not appreciating this type of attention.

"So, what are you doing sniffing around my affairs? Trying to find a scrap of paper to help your stupid assassins have a chance against our army? I don't think anything on the planet is going to be able to help you." Fintan chuckled. Sophie itched to slide her hidden blades out of her gauntlets and stab them through his throat, but these types of interactions are about careful stepping, truths and lies.

"What can I say? The elves aren't going to allow us to help them; it doesn't mean we won't help." Sophie shrugged. As good as any papers could be, an enemy's mind holds all the better secrets.

"And what were you hoping to find?" Fintan asked, looking her up and down again. Sophie had no idea where Fintan hoped this conversation would go, but maybe she could use it to her advantage.

"I don't know; you guys never cease to surprise me," Sophie whispered, stepping closer, one elegant step at a time.

"Maybe we could help each other?" Fintan suggested. Sophie bit back her retching, turning green at any thought of a romantic action with him. But she just showed her smirk, and she gave a dramatic sigh. She placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back step by step.

"Maybe," Sophie whispered. She drew a finger and down his chest.

"Why are the Neverseen invading Eternalia?" Sophie asked slyly. Fintan watched her finger.

"We came to this village to find the last of the Millenium power cores; we are taking over Enternalia to get to Foxfire," Fintan admitted. Sophie leaned forward, looking over his scarred face.

"Why? What does a silly little school have to do with your plans to infuse people and Mirthless?" Sophie asked, puckering out her lip.

"The Council is typical; we knew they would round up all of their important little elves in one easy to target area."

"So you are there for the civilians? To kill them?" Sophie breathed.

"To hold them, hostage," Fintan answered. Sophie's blood turned to ice, and even though she was caressing Fintan as if he was a lover, Sophie just wanted to ram his face into a table and scream at him. But this way, he seemed to be a lot more loose-lipped.

"To hold them hostage from the council?" Sophie asked, slithering her hands up his chest and over his shoulders.

"We need something from the council. A special cord, needed for the Mirthless infusing machine." Fintan answered, placing his hands on Sophie's hips. Sophie nearly cut his hands off, but she kept her face soft.

"So, this is all just for a special little cord?" Sophie leaned closer to Fintan, "I thought you were smarter than that." Sophie whispered.

"It is the last we thing we need for these devices. Vespera has some grand plan; she won't tell anyone. Gisela is going to be there to siege the cord itself. The cord is hidden in Foxfire, but we need a councilor to reach it." Fintan breathed, as if restraining himself. That was it; that is what Sophie needed.

She was done with this.

"You know, I would've thought," Sophie whispered, her arms still draped over Fintan's shoulders, "That Vespera would've taught her boy toy better."

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