~4~Not a Kidnapping, but an Opportunity

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I have an Instagram that I plan to post updates, prompts, all that stuff on. If you want to reach me faster or want to see a more in depth explanation for things, please go follow me on there. It is brand new, and the handle is in my bio!

Also, updates are going to be a bit irregular, I am doing a lot of things at once right now and updating has been a bit harder then normal.

And finally, I just want to let ya'll know. I have minor dyslexia, and editing is SUPER hard for me to do. I really tried my hardest on this one, but please keep that in mind while reading my stories. 

With that said, enjoy the chapter!

With that said, enjoy the chapter!

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Ruy felt dirty. So, so, so dirty.

The cloak itself was fine, typical fabric with no smell, slightly scratchy, maybe. But the fact that the damn cloak was on him in the first place made him want to gag. He was conditioned before, Ruy thought of the Neverseen eye as just a stupid little logo, something to easily use to mark secret drop off spots or discern each other out in a crowd. He didn't care what it stood for, he just did the job he was told, and then took off the cloak at the end of the day.

But now it felt like it was seared to his body that the green Neverseen eye wasn't sewn into the fabric but rather his skin.

After taking it off for so long, it felt awful to wear again.

"Watch him." Trix snarled at some of the other recruits as they all pushed further into the Inalian forest.

They were here, in the city of art and culture, they were dirtying it with their presence, ruining his haven.

They were on the eastern border of Inalia, right on the outskirts of a Grecian village. They scouted out the area, looking for places that could give them an advantage in taking back the city. At least, that's what they told Ruy. Taking it back. Like it was ever theirs in the first place. Ruy knew this forest well, but he pretended to be just as blindsided as the rest of the party.

They say this is the forest where the Amazonian tribe first originated hundreds of years ago in Inalia. Where Queen Hera reigned over her tribes of warrior women.

The Amazons haven't been seen in thousands of years, but Sophie bore Hera's name as her middle name. Allesandro wanted the warrior queen Hera to be carried with his daughter, to have a part of her in her blood. Knowing the myths about this forest slightly calmed Ruy down, he was hoping that an Amazon warrior would cut them all down so they would never step foot in the sacred lands again.

Ruy's wings bristled slightly under the cloak, uncomfortably stuffed underneath it. His slightly pointed ears were also starting to itch because of the scratchy fabric.

He learned how to open his wings, and his dad gave his tips on how to close them. He hasn't been able to nail it just yet, but he has been trying.

His father... Sarai...

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