~13~Loyalty Unwavering

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Okay so I felt bad leaving you guys on the last note, so I made this for you, I know it's early, but think of it as... I don't know I'm just pumped to be writing these next couple chapters, okay? So in all honesty, you will most likely be getting these next few chapters early. This was also a REALLY fun chapter to write ;)

Also, If I make you cry during reading, then hell yeah, that means I'm doing my job right :D


Grady and Edaline watched as the Assassins jumped the wall of Everglen and the Winged Warriors fly overhead, slowly landing. Edaline's eyes scanned through the crowd, desperately looking for a pair of brown eyes. But the hundreds of Soldiers and Assassins returning made it impossible to pick her out from the group.

"I hope the council arrests each one of these beasts." An Elf whispered. Grady turned around and looked at them, but Edaline stood in her place.

"Right? They pretend to be the heroes; we all know what the Vatarians are like- along with the Dunmer? I wouldn't have minded if more of them died today." Another whispered back. Edaline turned on her heel, starting towards them, but Grady held her forearm, shaking his head.

"I always knew that Sophie wasn't normal. She turns out to be one of these freaks? And an Assassin no less?"

Edaline's blood boiled, and she bit her lip.

Edaline had to admit, she was uncomfortable with the idea that her daughter took lives, but she knew Sophie, and she knew there was so much more too it than that.

But how could they think like this? Hatred against two races of people they have never met?!

"SOPHIE!" A voice screeched. Grady and Edaline whipped their heads around, and all eyes set on Sophie. She was bent down, dressing the wounds of one of her men. She looked awful, her lip busted, a gash on her forehead, scratched armor, wild hair, but she didn't care to herself. She went straight to her men, making sure they were okay.

Grady and Edaline watched as the Elven Council started towards her. Sophie assured the Assassins she was tending, and she got onto her feet, glaring as the Council neared her. A few Assassins gathered around Sophie as they got closer, like a close family of wolves ready to pounce.

A darker-skinned woman with silver armor and black clothing, the colors contrasting one another.

A man with wild black hair and steely blue eyes, a swirling design under his eye.

Someone who Grady and Edaline would recognize anywhere, Alvar Vacker.

A man that looked very similar to Sophie, his hair a very light brown and his entire right side of his face bandaged.

The Pyrokinetic Mansi, who was now awake and recovering.

The last and the last one was the most peculiar and the most handsome, large leather wings arching across his back, blue-black hair that glinted in the hazy sun, with broad arms crossed.

Sophie's closest allies in her Guild.

Her inner circle.

"My Assassins are recovering; we will be able to return to our homeland in a matter of hours. Eternalia and Foxfire have been secured; they are still in your control. However, there is damage to the property-"

"Get out." Councilor Alina snapped.

Sophie merely blinked, her only show of surprise and confusion.

Instead, the steely eyes man came forward.

"Careful how you address my Mentore." He threatened. The whole Council was in Alina's tracks, and she seemed to be the voice of them all. With Emery gone, there was an imbalance of power of who would be the voice of the public, and it seemed Alina took the responsibility.

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