~4~Monsters take a Form

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You guys, I'm so shook, I want to write the Malvar wedding SO BAD, but I have it planned for later but just... AGHHHHHHHHH

This is, like, such a mood for my writing. Like I just really want to write specific scenes and characters and stuff, but then I have to write out everything in the middle! Talk to ANY writer, and they will sympathize.

F it, I'm writing the wedding now and then I can add it in when I have it planned. Fite me.

Anyway, don't mind my bitching, things are slowly going to pick up steam! Things are already going crazy!

Also, there is no official Elven city that Foxfire is located in that I can find, but it is located in Eternalia in this story!

Also, there is no official Elven city that Foxfire is located in that I can find, but it is located in Eternalia in this story!

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Biana watched as Lilac practically bounced off the furniture.

"Why are you so excited, your sister was just sent off on a deadly secret mission, and there are armies marching-"

"One saying that runs in my family is to enjoy what you have while you have it, even as it may be small. And I am just enjoying it right now! Oh, Lia already owes me my own Minyama, but after this? She is gonna have to get me my own pony!"Lilac rambled.

"Wait; what? What did you learn?" Keefe asked, still dealing with the scratchy feed as he still patched through their imparters.

"Lia and Ruy-"

A weak knock sounded from the other side of their door, and Biana and Keefe went stiff. So many times, Ruy nearly killed them during the Neverseen, and here they were, about to discuss life-altering information with him. Lilac smacked her hand over her mouth and walked over to the door, slowly cracking it open as she popped her head out.

"Hi!" Lilac said sweetly.

"Didn't your sister just swear you to secrecy?" A deep male voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Yeah well, I'm excited-"


"Yes, Ruy?" Lilac answered in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up." He snapped. Lilac rolled her eyes and opened the door to let him in, and Biana was ready to start chewing him out.

But the words never left Biana's tongue.

A tall man walked in, maybe only a tad older than Sophie. He had deep tan skin with windswept black hair, his deep azure eyes sometimes glinting violet in the light. He was exceptionally well built due to his training and his job profession. He wore a loose white shirt with a dark blue jerkin over the top. Dark pants complimented by tan brown boots, all of it modest, and yet the simplicity only helped his natural handsomeness more. He had a sharp jaw with a high brow; his eyebrows nervously pressed down as he met the eyes of Keefe and Biana.

A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now