~21~ Time to Come Clean

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Unedited. Plz take it easy on any errors my meds are screwing up my sleep schedule and I was tired when I wrote this. 


Sophie squeezed her gauntlets tight, giggling with glee as she strapped them back on. Flicking her wrist, the blade shot out. Kissing the metal, she squealed even more.

"I haven't seen her this excited since our team won that Jurow game in Chiranu." Maha chuckled. Alexios nodded, smiling a bit.

"I'm just happy you are both okay. But a note or two would've been nice. Maybe even a text."

"We would've if we could. But Ruy told you where we were, right?"

Alexios's eyes widened, "Uh, no. I might have... forgotten his report at home."

Sophie and Maha stared in disbelief.

"To my credit, his report arrived at the least oppurtune time!"

"So you just left it at home?!" Sophie hissed.

"I had to haul ass to the docks! And I didn't have time to stable my horse or do my grocery shopping-"


"Gods above Lia, I was busy!"

"Ugh, I knew you were stupid-"

"Oh I know damn well you aren't starting this right now!"

"And what if I am?!"

"I can't believe I actually missed you!"

Maha stepped between the two snarling siblings, "Okaayyyyy, you two haven't changed that much."

Alexios scoffed, "How did you get mercs anyway?"

Sophie crossed her arms, "Mercs?"

"Yeah, the soldiers in the Spartan get up. Kinda weird costumes to be honest. And where did you get the money to pay for mercenaries?"

"Uh, Alexios?"


"Those are Spartans."

Alexios stared at his sister, giggling a bit as if she told a funny joke. But when Maha and Sophie didn't laugh in return, his face dropped.

"You're joking."


"You. You not only found Spartans, but also got them to work for you?"

Sophie shrugged, "Yup."


"You wish."

"You mean to tell me that the warriors I have dreamed about since I was a little boy and are regarded as legends among our people- The Spartans. They just helped us take back Egypitnat?"

Sophie nodded, "Well techincally they are modern Vatarians trained with recovered Spartan manifests and techniques, but yeah, pretty much."

Alexios started to go pale, reaching behind him for a chair, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

Sophie and Maha took a step back to avoid any possible spray.

"Why aren't you freaking out about this?!" Alexios barked.

"Oh trust me, you should've seen her when she first saw them. Or when she met Iphi. Or when she-"

"What matters," Sophie shot Maha a glare, "Is that Maha and I have been busy. Super busy."

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