~21~Your Sister Needs You, Cynna

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(Don't play music until it's cued)

Ruy looked like a dumbass flailing as he fell through the pit and entered the Dunmer Kingdom. His wings helplessly dangled behind him, straining to get any wind underneath them. He finally straightened out and used his limited strength to open them as wide as possible, the only control he had over them. The minute his wings opened, he urked upward, cursing in the sudden pain. He awkwardly tried to remain straight as he slowed his plummet. It wasn't flying, but it was gliding, and that was some form of progress. Sarai was watching from above, cringing as Ruy flailed.

"What the hell do I do?!"

"Flap!" Sarai called out.

"NO SHIT! I MEAN, HOW DO I DO THAT?!" Ruy roared over the cavern.

"RUY LOOK OUT!" Sarai called out. Ruy looked in front of him just in time to see a grove of glow int eh dark trees growing from the rocky cave side.  Ruy's main focus as he crashed through the branches was protecting his neck and head. He luckily landed in some soft clay-like dirt, didn't feel any broken bones or twisted body parts.

Ruy groaned as he turned onto his back, his wings awkwardly tucked underneath him. Sarai was frozen in the air, her eyes wide and her hands over her mouth. She shook off her shock and sped towards the ruined grove and to Ruy. The two royal spies followed her, glancing at each other. Sarai landed gracefully next to Ruy, running over to him.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you would've known how to fly- I didn't mean to, I should've asked-" Ruy held up a hand, his eyes still closed, taking a deep breath through his nose.

Great start, Ruy, to this whole royal mission thing.

Ruy pinched the bridge of his nose and then sat up, groaning and cursing as he did so. Sarai worriedly bit her lip, her hands clenched.

"I'm so so sorry-"

"It's fine. I probably should've figured it out by now." Ruy rolled his wrist and flinched as a sharp pain shot up his arm.

"Oh my, are you hurt? Here let me-" Sarai reached for his wrist, but Ruy yanked it back, even as his arm barked in pain. Vespera flashed in his mind, his mother striking his wrists so hard blood spewed. Sarai noticed how his body tensed, his eyes immediately going cold and distant, and she gently put her hand back in her lap.

"I'm sorry..." Sarai whispered. Ruy swallowed, but he relaxed a bit.

"No, no, it's fine. Just caught me... off guard." Ruy muttered. Not Vespera. Someone who is trying to make him feel safe. Sarai's eyes saddened as he brushed the action aside, using his other hand to get up. Pretty large gashes decorated his arms, legs, and chest. One of his wings stretched a bit too weirdly, and now he couldn't move them at all.

"Ugh, I should probably go see a doctor about..." Ruy glared at the scratches, "These," he watched as the skin of his gashes slowly inched together, the blood stopping.

"Wounds?" Ruy trailed off, staring in shock as the gashes miraculously started to cleanse and heal the wounds themselves. Sarai smiled slightly as he gaped at it.

"Dunmer powers are different, and since you have never really been in your Dunmer form, you probably wouldn't have noticed. Dunmer wounds heal four times as fast as the average Vatarians." Sarai whispered. Ruy stared at her, then back at his healed cuts, back up at her.

"Again, the Dunmer are pretty different." Sarai chuckled. She looked up at the opal castle on the nearby cliffside as the two royal spies landed beside them.

"My Prince, are you alright?" One of the spies asked. My Prince, ugh. If the Inner Circle heard that they would've been cackling, Mansi probably would've made t-shirts.

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