The Next Book in the Series...

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The Cyevan Assassins of Inalia have been destroyed, thanks to the spy Leto and his collaboration with the Neverseen. The guildhall that had been in Inalia since the ancient times of the boisterous kingdom of old was nothing but melted gold and ash. The Senate were thrilled to have the thorn in their side removed, but the Inalian people were another story.

Riots ensued after the truth of the Assassin's downfall came out. The bakers, cobblers, tea makers, farmer, and nobles all screamed in disapproval. Classes didn't matter anymore. Every person in Inalia knew the Cyevan assassins as their protectors, and now wanted repentance. They shook the gates of the Senate building and threw rocks at the windows, chanting for justice. And symbol of the Black Swan, the Senate, or the Neverseen was destroyed on sight.

More and more of the truth was revealed after days, then months, then years. No one truly knew who was revealing the information. They didn't care.

And the people now knew the Morrettis were the rightful rulers of Inalia.

They chanted in the streets, "THEY PROTECTED US, UNLIKE YOU."



But no matter how hard and loud they chanted and rioted, Amalia Hera Morretti and her Assassins dropped off the face of the earth. And there was no sign of them ever returning.

Ruy, after two months of waiting on Kephalonia, was only talked off the island by Sarai

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Ruy, after two months of waiting on Kephalonia, was only talked off the island by Sarai. He found Mansi and Alvar, who were seeking refuge in her old village under Chief Massasoit. They safely went underground to the Dunmer Kingdom, where Ruy threw himself into his princely duties. Sometimes, you couldn't even recognize him anymore. He provided sanctuary to the Elves of the Black Swan who fled the Lost Cities after Leto's betrayed came to light, trained Dunmer soldiers, he was the Dunmer hoy grail some would say.
But Ruy was always his old self when ever the newest Vacker was around.
Mansi gave birth to a little boy only a few month after going underground. Mansi chose the name Hakan, a sacred name of her people. No matter how grizzled and vicious the Prince of the Dunmer was, he melted around the little boy.

He wanted his people to go above ground, to feel the sun and the wind. And he threw himself into completing his task.

But when he was above ground, he would fly to that island off the coast of Inalia. He would set up his tent, make two cups of coffee, and wait. One for him and on for her. Made exactly how she liked it.

But soon, he even stopped doing that.

That is the end! I want to give a special thank you for everyone that stuck by GOMLS for so long

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That is the end!
I want to give a special thank you for everyone that stuck by GOMLS for so long. I started the AAD series at the end of my freshman year of high school, and now I'm going to be graduating soon. It is so crazy to think about!
All of your votes, comments, and follows mean the world to me. You may not realize it, but you all have saved me in more ways than one.
Please keep an eye out for the final book in the AAD series, releasing in 3 weeks...

The Dawn of the Aurous Blade.

Thank you all for your support and love, and sticking with the AAD series for so long.
Keep an eye on my instagram and TikTok for updates on the new book and exclusive content!


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