Chapter 3 <3

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Josh and I unpacked my bags and we went down to the kitchen. It was now about 7pm and we all just sat and talked. "So wait Taylor what is your relationship status?" Anthony asked me. "Uhm well Im single but got out of a relationship about 4 months ago which lasted 2 years." I smiled at him. "2 YEARS?" a few of them shouted in unison. "uhm yeah lol" I chuckled. "Why arent you together anymore?" Kio asked with a confused look on his face. "Uhm uh" I just looked down and I could feel my throat closing up. "You dont have to answer it's okay" Josh whispered next to me. "Okay I'm hungry how about some pizza?" Bryce broke the silence in the room. Yeahs and Okays were said around the room by the boys. Jaden suddenly came in the house looking wasted as fuck. He was so drunk he could barely stand on his own two feet. "He- hey guyss" he slurred his words. "Jaden. Again?" Bryce asked standing up. Jaden walked and tripped over his feet falling on top of my lap. "Oh sh- shit sorry". He said standing up again, only to fall down again. Josh stood up and helped Jaden upstairs to the room. They were busy walking when I turned around to the boys. "What the hell?" I was shocked. "Uhm yeah, after everything that happened Jaden has gone out almost every night coming home either drunk or with a girl." Griffin answered me. "But J- Josh said he was done with girls?" "yeah well he meant girl-friends, not hook ups and one night stands." I now felt serious anger in me. Why is he doing this to himself. The pizza guy knocked on the door and Bryce paid leaving him with the boxes. "Uhm well lets eat I guess" he said as the place was now awkward. As soon as we started eating things started to be okay again. We all talked and laughed a bit. I found out that Bryce likes Addison and they are talking, Blake and Amelie are still together as well as Anthony and Avani. Quinton and Cynthia like each other, Noah is with Dixie and then Josh, Griffin and Kio are single. "Hey guys I have an idea." Quinton spoke up. "Why dont we invite all the girls over tomorrow so they could meet Taylor?" "Bro thats so smart." Anthony said back. "Yay Im actually excited to meet them!"

After a while I got tired and decided to go upstairs to sleep. I walked past Jadens room and the door was a little bit open. I peeked in and saw him on the side of his bed on his knees praying. "I'm sorry God, I dont know what to do." I heard him sobbing. I felt so bad for him and felt a knot in my stomach. Stuff this I'm going in. I walked in and Jaden immediately stood up. His eyes were red and I was breaking inside. He stood there looking at me when he just started crying again and I pulled him closer for a hug. We sat on the bed as I was holding him. I felt a tear coming down my cheek but wiped it before he could see it. My heart was breaking for him. Yes I am pissed at him but he is broken and I dont know what to do to help him.

After a while he was still in my arms but he fell asleep. With all the alcohol still in his system I would guess he was tired. I very slowly took him out of my arms and let him lie down on the bed. I pulled the covers on top of him and walked out, closing the door. I went to my room, took a shower and laid down in my bed. After scrolling through my phone for a while I turned around wanting to sleep. I lied there for about 2 hours, but I could not fall asleep. Stupid homesickness. I got out of bed and went downstairs to get a glass of water.

As I was pouring the water in I heard someone behind me. "Hey." "Holy shit dude my heart!" I got a huge fright. "Oh sorry lol, why are you awake? Its 2am?" Josh asked me. "Yeah I couldn't sleep. I guess its because its my first night here and whatnot how about you?" "Oh okay I get it, I was just thirsty and came down." "Oh okay well good night then" " Will you be okay on your own? I mean since you can't sleep?" "Yeah well I dont have much of a choice do I?" I laughed. "I guess you could sleep with me if that would make you feel better?" I stood there shocked. "Josh I met you today, you barely know me and now you want to sleep with me?" I chuckled at the end. "No you dumbass, not on that way, I just know its easier to fall asleep with someone with you thats all. And also I have a magic touch to make people fall asleep." He smiled at me. "Yeah okay whatever." I smiled walking upstairs to his room.

He came in behind me and both of us climbed in the bed. I know what you are thinking and no I'm not wanting to sleep with one of them, I'm actually still a virgin so yeah. I lied there looking at the ceiling still not sleeping. "Oh come here will you." Josh said as he pulled me closer to him. It was weird at the beginning but after a few second I felt at ease as my head rested on his chest. He played with my hair making me falling asleep. "Thank you Josh." I said closing my eyes. "Good night Tay." he replied. We both went to sleep.

For infinity - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now