Chapter 16 <3

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"Hey guys" Bryce walked into the room. "And Taylor" he chuckled. "Listen we want to make a video in the hot tub for Josh's vlog, will you three join us? "Yeah of course" I went back upstairs to change into my swimming clothes. I put this on and went downstairs.


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I walked down the stairs and saw Vinnie getting red as he looked away. "Okay I'm ready" I said jumping on Josh's back. "Nooo Taylorrr" he whined. "Josh shut up and go" I chuckled. "I hate you" "You love me" I smiled and he just shook his head laughing.

We got in the hot tub and the vlog started. "WHATS UP GUYS WELCOME BACK TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!" Josh screamed next to me. "Ow fuck my ears you dumbnut" I slapped him. "Today we are here with Broke Bryce, Gusty Griffin, Hungry Hacker, Jealous Jaden and Terrible Taylor!" Jaden and I glared him on. "Okay sorry, Joking Jaden and Talking Taylor" he smiled awkwardly. "Okay anyway so!" Bryce started. "Today is hot tub confessionsss!" We all gathered around and I sat on the step in the hot tub. Jaden was next to me and there was this awkward tension between us. He basically saved me from dying in there lol but it was still awkward. "Okay first question. When and how did you lose your V-card" Griffin read of his phone. "Let's go around in the circle. I'm first, a few years ago, it was at a party with a girl" Griffin talked on. I sat there nervously not knowing what to say when it will be my turn. "Taylor" "TAYLOR!" I shook out of it hearing Bryce's voice. "Shit sorry. Uhm I-" I looked at Josh and he nodded. "It uhm was about a week ago and planned I guess?" I looked down again. "Okay next question" Jaden shouted next to me. I looked at him and gave a half smile thanking him for getting me out of the situation. "Okay so, if you had to date the last person you met, would you?"  Bryce was up first. "I met this girl at at the hype house party but I wouldn't date her for uh personal reasons" "simp for addison" I fake coughed. Everyone laughed and I smiled at Bryce. "Next Vinnie?" "Well I guess I met Blair so yeah maybe" I blushed and looked down. "Ohhh Tay tay is blushinggg" Josh screamed and I death glared him. "Jaden?" "Uh yeah whatever I can't remember" he snapped back. "Okay then. Taylor?" "Uhm I met Holder and Hacker so I don't know yeah?" I chuckled a bit. "Okay I'm bored now let's play truth or dare and drink" Bryce said. "Bryce you know what happens when we play that." I replied. "Dude chill it's fine! Okay first up. Griffin truth or dare" "Dare bitch" "I dare you to slap Josh in the face" "You touch my face and you won't be able to do anything for a week" Josh said very seriously to Griffin. "Okay I guess I'll drink" All of us started laughing and Griffin shotgunned a white claw. "Vinnie truth or dare" "truth" "So if you had to date Blair you would?" "Yeah well I wouldn't mind it" We made eye contact and smiled. "Josh truth or dare" Vinnie said looking at Josh "uh Dare" "I dare you to call your crush and confess your feelings." "Yeah no" Josh grabbed a white claw and shotgunned it. "Taylor! Truth or dare" "dareeee I ain't a bitch" everyone laughed at me. "Since you and Vinnie don't have a problem dating or whatever, I dare you to kiss him" My eyes widened. Joshua Richards I hate you. "Hand me a drink" I said chuckling. "Hey I'm not that bad I promise" Vinnie said grabbing my wrist. "Okay then" I moved closer to him and we were looking into each others eyes. He looked at my lips and back to me smiling. We both leaned in and started to kiss. We kissed for about 30 seconds when Josh stopped us "Okayy thats enough now" Vinnie and I smiled at each other and I blushed moving back to where I was sitting. Jaden was still next to me but had this pissed of look on his face. I don't know what's his problem, since we got in the hot tub he has been acting off. "Griffin truth or dare" I looked at him. "Dare" "Jump in the pool from the roof" "Oh yeah easy shit" He went to the roof and jumped into the pool. He got out and came back to the hot tub. "Okay Jaden truth or dare" "Truth I guess" "Why haven't you brought home a girl the past few nights" I death stared Griffin and then looked to Jaden. "Uh I don't know. I didn't feel like it. Josh your turn." "Mm dare" "I dare you to not talk to Blair for the rest of the day and if you do you get shot with the paintball gun on your bare skin" I looked at Jaden with my jaw dropped. "Dude what the fuck" I said to him. He just gave me this sarcastic smile and Josh was just as surprised as I was. "Bro she is my best friend how can we not talk for the rest of the day!" Jaden just shrugged his shoulders. "Fuck no give me a drink" Josh said. How the hell can Jaden expect us not to talk. And also for what fucking reason would he even say that as a dare?!

Jaden's pov

When I saw how Vinnie looked at Blair coming down the stairs I felt the anger inside of me growing. They had so much in common and I really don't like it. And this fucking hot tub doesn't make it better. Both of them said they don't have a problem dating each other. If only Blair knew how much I like her. And then when it couldn't possibly get any worse, Josh had to go and dare them to kiss. That felt like an eternity to watch and I hated it with every muscle, bone and emotion in me. Thats why I didn't want him to talk to her for the rest of the day. He would be so dumb to make them date or something and I won't get to handle that.

Blair's pov

I can't believe Jaden is being such a complete asshole today. Yes he saved me but now all of a sudden he is rude again. I really can't cope with his moods anymore. Obviously he is still basically the one guy in my heart from everyone else, but he is so toxic. I feel bad for him because I know how broken he is because of his past, but that doesn't give him the right to take it out on me. Honestly I've thought about this for a while now and I've made a decision. I know this thing or whatever it's called between me and him is there and I don't know what to do about it, but I know I'm no longer going to not know what to do with my life. Actually Vinnie is cute and that kiss was no jokes so good. I'll actually give that a shot, I want people in my life who will treat me right.

"Okay guys I'm getting cold now, so I guess I'll go back in." I said as I climbed out of the tub. I went upstairs, changed into comfy clothes and lied down on my bed scrolling on my phone and then I heard a knock. "Yes?" "Hey it's me" I heard Vinnie's voice outside and honestly he was the only person I wanted to see. "Come in". He came in the room and sat down next to me. "Are you okay" He asked taking my hand. "Yeah, it's dumb and I've decided to just live my life and yeah." I chuckled at the end. "Thats great, Hacker and Blair Bear going to take on the world" "You are so dumb Hacker" we laughed for a while. "Did you meant what you said in the hot tub?" He asked after a while. "What do you mean" "Well about like dating me" I looked down and blushed. "Well yeah you are sweet, and I can talk to you about stuff, plus we have a lot in common." "Blair Bear you're adorable, even if you support the wrong team." "OKAY Hacker there is where you will get me mad." I chuckled at him while playfully hitting his shoulder. "I won't hesitate to throw you in the pool you know" "Shut upp you won't" I was about to look down when suddenly he picked me up and we went down the stairs. "Put me down you dumbass" I laughed as he was carrying me. "Woahh whats going on here?" Bryce asked as Josh and Jaden sat next to him. "Blair won't admit she supports the wrong team so I'm going to throw her in the pool." Vinnie said still holding me. "Everyone calls her Taylor" I heard Jaden mumble very softly. "Bro what did you say?" Vinnie asked as he put me down. way to ruin the moment Jaden "Don't bro me" Jaden said looking back at his phone. "Jaden what the hell is your problem!" I asked raising my voice. He didn't say anything and just scrolled on his phone. I scoffed and took Vinnie's hand to the couch. We sat down and started to cuddle as we watched TV. Jaden seriously needs to stop with his shit. I've actually had enough

Jaden's pov

This is no jokes killing me to see Blair with another guy like that. I'm trying my best not to fall for her, I really am. But she is sweet, kind, loving, she really cares about others, she is also so fucking hot. She actually listens when you talk to her and will put your needs above hers. Her personality is the best. what the hell is she doing to me. I didnt want to be with anyone after all the shit that happened but oh my gosh she is making it hard

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