Chapter 32 <3

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After a long while this was my final look for the dinner.

After a long while this was my final look for the dinner

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Just as I walked out of my room Josh came out of his. He walked to me and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Jaylor is ready" he said smiling as we walked to the stairs. "Who the fuck is Jaylor" I laughed. "Our bestie name" He smiled big. "Gosh you're an idiot help me." "Be quiet" He chuckled as he pushed me to the railing. We got to the end, and everyone stood there with mad looking faces. "Oh right sorry we took a little longer I guess" I tried to hold my laugh in but Josh burst out which made me laugh. "You two are so annoying" Bryce laughed as we all walked to the cars and got in.

Jaden hasn't said anything to me, and I was a bit scared. I got in and after a while the other door opened revealing Jaden. I looked down as he got in. It was quiet at the beginning, but Josh and Bryce soon enough got something dumb to argue about. It was silent at the back where we were sitting. I tried to avoid eye contact by just looking outside of the window. I suddenly felt a warm hand being put on my thigh and turned my head to look into his beautiful eyes. "You look amazing B" he whispered with a smile. "You too" I smiled back and I put my hand on top of his. Soon enough we got to the dinner. We sat down and Charli and Chase announced that they are together which made everyone happy. Everyone also complimented my hair which made me happy knowing it's not a mess lol. We got home and Josh immediately ran upstairs. Why I don't know but yeah. I was just about to say good night when Bryce spoke up. "Taylor, Josh talked to us and we just want to let you know that we are really happy you are here with us and we wouldn't exchange you for anything in the world." "I love you guys." "We love you too." Kio said giving me a hug. "Good night guys." I walked back upstairs and removed my make up. Okay so things are kind of a bit awkward between me and J now but let's not talk about that. I changed into one of Jaden's hoodies and some pj pants. I lied down when I heard a knock on my door. "Yep" I replied looking at my phone. As soon as the door opened a certain someone who makes my heartbeat faster any time peeked his head in the room. "You busy?" He asked like a child. I smiled at him and replied. "Never for you" "Awww" "Shut up Hossler and come in" He smiled and came in holding something behind his back. He sat on the bed and looked into my eyes squinting his. We kept staring into each other's eyes without breaking contact. Neither one of us has blinked in a while and I guess we were having a staring contest now. I'm so winning this. I slowly started to smile and moved my hand on the blanket towards him. He suddenly blinked and looked down to my hand that was still inches away from touching his hand. "I win" I shouted throwing my hands up in the air. "No fair! You literally took my attention away" I just smiled at him. It was silent again and I looked down. He lifted my chin up with his hand. "You are more than enough for me, I don't deserve you and I'm so glad our paths crossed. Don't ever think you aren't enough because I love you more than words can describe. I love you Blair." I guess Josh talked to him as well. "I love you too Jaden" I feel better now honestly. After talking with Josh, the boys and Jaden I realize this is not just stupid. I love these guys and that won't change. Jaden looked at me and started to smile. "What?" I chuckled at him. He took out what he was hiding behind his back and held out a teddy bear with the saying. "I love you for infinity" on it. By this point nothing was stopping me and a small tear dropped down my face. He gave me a hug and chuckled. "Don't cryyy" he softly whispered. "Fuck off" I chuckled back. We lied down and my eyes started to feel heavy. "I love you B" "I love you J, for infinity" I felt a kiss on my forehead and both of us fell asleep.

For infinity - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now