Chapter 18 <3

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We got to the ER and they said I can't go any further. Bryce, Josh and the rest of the guys, as well as their girlfriends came in. "Taylor!" Bryce shouted as he ran up to me. I was a mess. It's 7pm I'm still dressed in my "would have been date" outfit, my make up is a mess and my eyes are red and swollen. "Bryce I'm scared." I said crying in his chest. "It's okay Tay, he is strong" "Jaden Hossler?" A guy dressed as a doctor came out and asked looking around. "Yes! Thats us how is he? Is he okay? Did he-" "Tay, give the guy a chance to talk" Bryce chuckled and the doctor smiled. "He is okay, he woke up a few minutes ago. Thank you for making him throw up, if it wasn't for that he probably wouldn't have made it" I smiled and walked back. "You can see him if you want?" He asked as he stood there. "I- I don't-" I just sat down. "Taylor?" Bryce asked me. "You guys can go. I'll stay here" a few of the boys stood up and went to his room while the rest stayed with me

Jaden's pov

I woke up in this white room and heard beeping next to me. It was a hospital. Suddenly I remembered what happened. The drugs, Blair, throwing up. The last thing I remembered was downing water and Blair making me throw up one more time before passing out. The guys came in my room. "Hey bro" Bryce said walking in. "Hey" I replied with my throat cracking because of all the throwing up. "How do you feel?" "I'm okay just really tired." "The doctor said you can choose to either sleep here or go home tonight, but there is nothing to worry about since you threw up all of the drugs" I just looked down. I felt bad. I promised them a few months ago that I would never do drugs again. I broke that. "I'm sorry guys". "It's okay man, we know why you did it, we just- do you need help with it?" "No it's okay I- It was a once off, I won't. Uh- Blair? Where is she?" "At the waiting room, she thinks you don't want to see her" "C-can you get her please?" "Yeah of course" They went out.

Blair's pov

Bryce and the guys came back and looked at me. "Tay he want to see you" I took a deep breath and stood up. It took a lot of courage to walk through the door. As I walked in the room I saw him lying there. It broke me. He looked at the window. "Jae?" I asked walking to the bed with tears in my eyes. A small smile came on his face. "Blair, you're here" I sat down at the bed and put my head in my hands. I didn't want him to see my cry but I couldn't help it. "Blair look at me please" he whispered while taking my hand and holding it. "I'm sorry Jaden, it's my fault, I shouldn't have yelled at you and-" "Hey hey it's not your fault, don't blame yourself please don't." He said wiping the tear of my face. Trying to change the subject I spoke up. "Do you need to stay?" "Well uhm apparently it's my choice" "What are you choosing" "Well I don't know do you want me to come home?" why is he asking my opinion in this? "Well yeah of course" He smiled at me. "Just because hospital food suck Hossler" I chuckled. "Thats not fair, I can't do anything to you now" he whined. "I know" I innocently smiled. "Jae bro are you coming home?" josh asked walking in. "Yeah I think so, but uhm I uh I owe you two an apology I-" "Jae don't worry about that now, let's just get you home" I cut him off. "Okay Josh please help him pack and stuff, we will wait for you guys outside." I stood up and slowly let go of Jaden's hand. I didn't even realize I was still holding it. I went out and got back to the waiting room.

After we waited a while Jaden and Josh came out of the room. I smiled at him and he returned it. "Jaden!" A few of the girls shouted and went to give him a hug. I suddenly felt a weird emotion in my. Blair are you jealous? No you can't be. "Taylor come!" I heard Josh's voice making me come back. Jaden got next to me and we started walking to the car. I then felt his hand touching mine, reaching for it. "Was little Blair jealous back there?" He smirked and I started blushing. "You wish Hossler" Suddenly he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "This isn't funny put me down, your going to hurt yourself." I said laughing. "If it isn't funny why are you laughing." He ran to the car and opened the door. He then put me inside and climbed in. "You had it coming" he said leaning against the door. "You're an idiot" I laughed back. Bryce and Josh got in the front and started the car. Jaden turned around. "Can I uhm lay down on your lap?" "You're a baby, come here" I laughed. He smiled brightly and laid his head down on my lap. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at me and then closed his eyes. I played with his hair the whole ride back. We stopped at the house and I stopped playing with his hair. "Mmm why did you stop" he groaned. "We are home, come on you need to go to sleep." He sat up straight with his hair messy, rubbing his eyes. We all got out of the car and went into the house. "Okay, Jae go upstairs and go to sleep, if you need anything call us." Bryce said to Jaden who looked like he was about to fall asleep any second. "mmm night" he said as he walked up the stairs. We all sat down around the counter. "Tay what was that about?" Josh asked me. "What do you mean" "Don't play dumb, first you two hold hands to the car and he picks you up until there, then you get in and he sleeps on your lap." "Yeah so? That doesn't mean anything." "Mm yeah sure." "How did you know what the pills were?" Bryce asked. "Well when I was back in Texas we had this medical course at our school and that name was said. I immediately recognized it and remembered that too much will cause coma and death. So thats why I made him throw it up because he was already asleep and if I had taken longer he might have already been in a coma because of it." "Oh my gosh Tay" Josh responded. The next moment my phone vibrated next to me

Hossler, Jae🖤🎸


Jaden what are you doing awake you need to sleep

-You said to ask you if I need anything

Well what do you need

-You Blair

Jaden you're dumb😂. Go to sleep

-I can't, please come to my room🥺



"Guys I'm going to Jaden I'll be back" I said as I stood up and walked to the stairs. "iT dOeS'nT mEaN aNyThiNg" I heard Josh mocking me in the kitchen. "Fuck you Josh" I laughed while walking. I got to Jaden's door and slightly knocked. "Mm" he replied. I opened the door and went in. "I thought you couldn't sleep, you look pretty sleepy to me" "Blair shut up and come here please." His eyes were still closed and he opened his arms. "You are such a baby" I laughed while lying down. He moved down and rested his head on my chest while his arms were around my waist. He then looked up and smirked. "What?" I chuckled. "You had your fingers in my mouth." He said smirking. "Oh shut up. Good night Jae" I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when he answered me. "I meant it, I need you" he mumbled. what?

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