Chapter 31 <3

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Blair's pov.

Jaden and I are better than ever honestly. Everything is going amazing and there are no issues between anyone in the house. Jaden and I were just chilling on the couch when I suddenly got an idea. "JAE!!" I shouted sitting up straight. I guess he was kinda busy sleeping because he replied very softly. "mm". "Oh sorry baby" I pouted giving him a peck. Suddenly a smile came on his face. "what's your idea?" "Okay hear me out. What if I dyed my hair black?" He had a confused shock look on his face. "You think it's dumb? Nevermind forget I sa-" "No, no Blair babe I'm just. Why?" he asked chuckling. 'Well look how good it looked on you when you first did it, I just want something different you know. And definitely not blonde and not another colour so like black." "Oh, I feel offended. I thought it was so we would look like a couple." He acted offended and pouted. "Idiot" I laughed hitting him playfully. "We will anyway look like a couple it doesn't matter the reason." I smiled at him. "Okay well let's go to Target." He replied standing up. I walked towards the door and Jaden followed me after getting his keys off the counter. We drove to target and got black dye. Now I know what you are thinking. I should probably go to a hairdresser for them to do it, but like where is the fun in that ;) We got home and went straight to the counter. "Oh wait are you helping me?" "Yeah dumbass of course." Jaden laughed at me. He picked me up and put me down on the counter. I blushed a little but tried to hide it. "Aww look whose blushingg" "Shut upp Hossler" I grabbed the box and acted like I was reading the instructions. "Yeah like you are actually reading" he put his finger on the box pushing it down, letting our eyes connect. He started leaning in and just as we were about to kiss I swerved him. "Come on Hossler we need to get this done." He looked at me with irritated eyes and I giggled back at him. He helped me and after a lot of struggling and mess we were finally done. We cleaned up and Jaden went back down. I lied down on the bed with my hair tied up. After the amount of the time I had to wait, the timer finally went off. I washed everything out and then blow dried my hair. It looked good even if I had to say so myself.

 It looked good even if I had to say so myself

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I walked down the stairs and everyone looked up with shocking faces. "Hey guys." I said with a huge grin on my face. "Taylor" Bryce said with his jaw dropped. I kept smiling and Jaden walked closer to the stairs. I walked down the last few steps Jaden pulled me into a hug. "You look beautiful." I looked up and he kissed me. Josh walked into the room as he just ended a phone call. "Hey guys sor" His words stopped when he saw me. "Taylor Blair Johnson." I was a little scared ngl, what if he didn't like it. I mean he is my best friend and now basically the only brother figure in my life. "I'm sorry, do you hate it?" "What, no of course not, I'm just shocked, but it looks good Tay" he said smiling. Thank goodness. I smiled back at him and we went to the living room. I got on my phone and I saw a tiktok edit of Nessa and Jaden. Obviously I didn't really like it so I just sighed. "What you doooing?" Jaden asked as he looked over my shoulder. He quickly took the phone out of my hands and looked into my eyes. "That's in the past Blair. I love you and only you." Does he mean it tho. I mean look at how easy it was for him to say it to Nessa after he and Mads broke up. I just gave him a smile and went to the kitchen to find Josh there. "Hey Tay". "Hey" "What's wrong?" I then told him how I felt.

Jaden's pov

When I saw the tiktok video on her phone I knew she would obviously be upset, I mean I don't blame her in the least. But what did bother me was that she didn't say she loves me back. I mean it's not like it's the first time I said it. We actually said it for the first time this morning after coming back from the river.

Blair's pov

"Taylor I would promise you, but I can't. Listen I don't know how he was when he was with Nessa, but I mean in the literally 4 years he was with Mads, I still haven't seen him act so crazy over a girl so much as you." "But Josh she was perfect. Literally they were perfect for each other." "No Blair, you are perfect for me."Jaden's voice came from behind me. I turned around and just looked down. Am I stupid to feel like this? I have no idea if this will last, and I don't know where this is going. "I'm sorry" I mumbled looking at the ground. Jaden didn't say anything back. I now felt bad for thinking that. He treats me good and this is how I act back? Blair you are a bitch.
"Heyo guys were going to dinner tonight" Bryce shouted breaking this awkward silence. "What's the occasion?" I asked walking away from the kitchen. "Charli wanted to announce something." We all nodded at his response. "Okay asshats it's in 4 hours." Great. I went back upstairs and started to get ready. After showering I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I feel dumb. How am I even here. I'm literally not one of them and will never be. Jaden and I are just a phase, he is going to get bored with me soon. Why the hell am I doubting everything suddenly?? I saw there were 3 and a half hours left and just put on a hoodie with shorts and went to Josh's room. I lied down on his bed and held the pillow tightly before starting to cry a little. I have no idea how long this will last. I'm scared honestly. How am I actually Jaden fucking Hossler's girlfriend. "Tay" I heard Josh whisper as he walked closer to me. I sobbed into his chest and he just held me tight. "What happened?" he asked rubbing my back. "Josh why am I here? I'm literally a nobody. This thing with Jaden, I have no idea how long it will last if it lasts and how the hell is he, Jaden Hossler my actual boyfriend. Josh I was a normal fan of you guys. And fans are just dumb for all of you and I don't know what the hell I'm doing here." I cried into him. He didn't say anything and just lied down next to me holding me. "Before I speak I'm just saying that I'm calling you Johnson and Taylor from now on, since everyone else calls your Taylor and well only Jaden calls you Blair." We both chuckled and I nodded. "I don't want you to ever feel like you aren't enough. Tay you are beautiful and I know we only chose you because of that dumb competition, but everything in my life went better when you walked through those doors. You are definitely not just a fan. We all love you to bits. It was fate that brought you to us and I can't thank the universe enough. You are my best friend and you are way more than enough for us." At this point I cried softly. "I also can't really speak for Jaden and I have no idea what you two are doing, but one thing I know is that you two are in love. Jaden can't stop glowing when you walk into a room and well you are so in love with him any dumb idiot can see that." I chuckled at him and he hugged me tighter. "I love you okay, and don't ever think otherwise again." "I love you too Josh" We kept cuddling for a little while and I guess I fell asleep. "Hey" Josh said next to me. "Hi" I replied back with a smile. "So dinner is in 20 minutes and neither of us have gotten ready" He chuckled saying. "Oh shit" I chuckled back but both of us just lied there. "So I thought that you should dress up really good for the dinner so you and Jaden can actually talk." He said smirking. "Oh shut up Richards." "Johnson go get ready." He said pushing me off the bed. "You're a bitch" I laughed walking out. I got in my room and started to get ready this time and not to cry

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