Chapter 22 <3

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I woke up this morning with the most beautiful girl in the world laying in my arms. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I took her hair out of her face and just looked at her. "It's rude to stare" She suddenly said opening her eyes. I blushed and looked away. "Is my baby blushing?" I started to tickle her. "N-no J-Jaden" she shouted during laughing. "Are you seriously calling me Jaden and expecting me to stop." I then started again and she couldn't stop laughing. "I'm sor-ry okay. HOSSLER STOP" I stopped and looked her dead in the eye. "Good morning Jae" she said kissing me. "Good morning beautiful" I replied. I got up and threw her a pair of leggings as I remembered the washing got mixed up and it was in my closet. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before walking out and seeing her still sitting on the bed. I started chuckling. "Why are you still sitting there" "I uhm I don't think I will be able to stand up" she replied softly. I knew she didn't want to admit it because I would get an ego. I smiled brightly and she gave me a dead look. "Hossler I will slap you. Help me get up and keep your mouth shut" I still smiled walking over to her, picking her up and walking to the bathroom. I put her down and her knees starting caving in. I caught her and held her up straight. "I was that good huh?" "Hossler I said shut up." Mess with her Jaden. I let go of her waist and she almost fell down before I caught her again. I couldn't keep it in anymore and just laughed. "Jaden" she whined with this adorable puppy eyes. "I'm sorry baby" I replied hugging her from behind and kissing her shoulder. "I need to brush my teeth can you help me up the counter please." I put her up and she brushed her teeth as I went back to the room to get my phone. Then I heard a thud in the bathroom. I ran over and saw her sitting on floor with her arms crossed. "Babyy call me when you need to walk" I said picking her up. "Nooo I'm not boosting your ego like that" She replied. "You already did" I couldn't keep the smirk of my face. "I'm not going to talk to you" she said looking away. I kissed her lips. "You love me too much" her eyes widened. Shit Jaden. You haven't said that to each other. Asshole. Now it will be awkward. She got a small smile on her face. "You wishh" she replied back. Okay thats not so bad is it? "You want to go down?" "Yeah, but how tho, if you carry my they will know." "Okay I'll carry you till the stairs and then I'll just help you balance" She nodded and we walked to the stairs. I put her down and her legs almost cave in. "Shh I got you" I whispered helping her down the stairs. All of the boys and girls downstairs shot there heads up looking at us and then a few started smirking. "Fuck Blair" Josh moaned mocking us and the other also started. "Jaden oh" Addison moaned and Blair and I blushed looking at each other. "Shut up will you" I snapped to the living room. "Someone clearly was good seeing a certain one can't walk straight" Bryce spoke up and a smirk came on my face. "Blair you're so good" Josh kept going. I death stared him and he laughed. "I will kill you Richards" Blair said next to me. "I don't know if I should be proud or disgusted knowing my best friends did that and I heard all of it" "Yeah well know I did it better than you since she can't walk this morning at all" I replied with a sarcastic smile and he just glared at me. "Shut up Hossler" he snapped back. We went to sit down on the couch and the day went away.

Blairs pov

We were just chilling in the living room when I suddenly got a call from my mother.

Hey mom


Wait what


Yes of course as soon as possible


Okay Okay Ill talk later. I love you



I sat in shock by what my mother just told me. I stared at the wall and felt a tear dropping doen my face. Everyone was still laughing and joking but Jaden had noticed. "Hey Bab- Omg Blair whats wrong!!" "M- My brother was in an accident" I couldn't sob or make sounds but the tears came down my face. "Holy shit Blair are you okay!?" "I'm I uh need to buy a ticket home I'm sorry I-" "Hey dont apologize its okay I promise. You will be okay and your brother as well okay?" I just nodded. I ran upstairs to my laptop and booked the next flight back to Texas. It was tonight in 7 hours. I began to pack a few of my stuff and lied down. my brother. I began to lightly sob and took my pillow to cry in. I heard a knock on my door but didn't bother to check or answer. When I looked up I saw Josh standing there. He didn't say anything and just pulled me up and hugged me. "D-do you want t- to come with me?" I stuttered through the tears. "Yeah Tay, of course I will, but wouldn't you rather want Jaden?" I just shook my head no. I dont want to sound mean but I didn't want anyone except my best friend right now. I also didn't want Jaden to be bothered by my family issues and be a burden for him. Josh and I hugged for a few minutes as I just cried in his arms. "What if he- Josh." "No Taylor listen to me, your brother is strong." We kept hugging and then finally pulled away. "Uhm Josh the flight is in a few hours I will quickly book you a- a ticket." "Okay, I will go and pack and then come and help you okay?" I nodded and he gave me a hug again. He then went out and I booked him a ticket. We had to be at the airport in 3 hours. I started packing and Josh came in my room with a bag. "Okay I'm done, can I help you?" I just nodded and sniffed. After a few minutes of packing we both went downstairs with our bags getting confused looks by the rest. "Uhm guys I uhm my brother was in an accident back home so Im flying tonight but I dont really know when Im coming back. Josh is coming with me." I looked down as I saw Jaden with a really annoyed and confused look on his face. Everyone stood up and gave me a hug. "Im so sorry Blair. Your brother will fight through this okay!" Bryce said in the hug. "Call us when you need anything. We will always be here for you"Kio said. "Good luck Tay" Then Jaden stood there. I knew he wanted to ask about Josh but I didnt have the strength for it. He pulled me in for a hug. I love his hugs. I feel so safe in them and its because I love this boy with everything in me. Even if we haven't said it to each other I really do love him. We pulled away without saying anything and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Call me when you land okay?" He whispered. I nodded and gave him a small kiss. Josh put his hand on my shoulder and we started walking out of the door. "Please look after her." I heard Jadens voice talking to Josh. "Of course bro." Josh replied. We walked to the car and the drive to the airport was quiet. As soon as we got there we waited. "Do you think Jaden is mad because you are coming?" "Honestly I think he is confused but he knows that this is big" I nodded and played with my fingers. "Hey." he said taking my hand. "I promise it will be okay. And if he has a problem I will punch it out of him." I chuckled to him saying that and he laughed back. "Okay lets go." We got on the airplane and basically slept the whole flight home. When we got there I texted my mom.


hey sweetie, let me know when you land please


hi mom Josh and I have arrived are we going home first?


yes love, we are on our way



Okay my parents are on their way. Okay cool We stood outside waiting a while when my mom, dad and sister came up. "Hey sweetie."my mom said hugging me. I tried my best hiding the tears but as soon as my dad hugged me I couldnt hold it in. "Dad" I said crying. "Its okay bug." I pulled away and hugged my sister, my sister and I have been really close in the past. She is only a year older than me and the best I could ever ask for. But nothing could compare my brother and I's relationship. He is my age. He is always so protective over me and the best big brother I could ask for even if we only had a difference of a few months. I have a really close family and thats why I never thought they would actually let me move to LA, but they wanted me to use my opportunities.

"Mom, dad, Kayla, this Josh Richards, my best friend." Kayla immediately started blushing, she has always had a small tiktok crush on him but didn't want to admit it. "Hey Josh, welcome to Texas." my mom said hugging him. We went back to the car and I sat in the middle. Kayla smacked my leg. "Ow fuck you bitch" "Blair!" My mom yelled. "Sorry. What the hell was that?" I whispered to her. "Why didn't you tell me Josh fucking Richards is coming?" She whispered back. I then remembered her crush and smirked. "Oeee." "Keep your mouth shut Blair." she yelled at me. We got to the house and walked in. "Woah Tay this is your house?" "Yip" "Wtf its almost bigger than sway."  "Shut up Josh." I chuckled and walked in.



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^^^^My room

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My room

^^^"Okay Josh you're getting the room across from me okay

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"Okay Josh you're getting the room across from me okay." "good with me." We walked upstairs and unpacked everything. Since it was really late we just ate some takeout and went to bed.

For infinity - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now