Chapter 13 <3

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I opened the door and the only light in the room was the tv on the couches. With the light I could see that mostly everyone was asleep. thank goodness. "Hey" I heard Bryce's voice come from one of the couches. "Uhm hi" "Where were you two?" "Oh uhm we took a drive, but I'm tired so good night." "Oh okay well goodnight." I began to walk as fast I could to the stairs. Josh and I began to climb the stairs but then all of a sudden the lights went on. "Hey you're back, where we- Blair what the hell happened to you?!" Jaden practically screamed. "It's nothing really I need to go" I turned around. "Did you do this to her?" Jaden looked at Josh. "You're kidding me right, you think I will lay a hand on her?" "Well you were with her!" "That doesn't mean that I hit her!!" Everyone woke up by now and walked towards us. "Taylor who did this to you?" Bryce looked really worried. "I- can I just go upstairs. Come Josh please" My voice broke at the end. We turned around and kept walking. "The fact that you would think I would hurt her, thats low Jaden, even for you" Josh spoke while walking. "Josh stop, I will go help her, you've done enough" Jaden started to walk towards us. Josh walked down and legit was about to punch Jaden when Bryce came in between them. "Josh leave it, let him go with her." Bryce held Josh's shoulder. I turned around and just walked. At this point I couldn't care who came with me.

Jaden's pov

When I saw the fingermarks around Blair's neck, the blue mark underneath her eye, her lip busted open and her wrists being red I completely lost it. Who would hurt her. She is so beautiful and kind and loving. I would literally kill the person who did this to her. I know I shouldn't have asked Josh if he did it, but he was with her the whole time. What, no, Jaden do you hear yourself. Josh would never do this

Blair's pov.

I got to my room and went to the bathroom. Jaden followed me and picked me up to put me on the counter. He took out the band-aids, rubbing alcohol and medical glue. In complete silence he started to patch me up. "I'm sorry" the tear fell down from my eye. "It's not your fault Blair, none of this is." "But now you and Josh are against each other again and it's because of me." I just cried now and he pulled me to his chest and held me. "It's okay, don't worry, as long as you are okay. And if you want to talk about what happened, you can talk to me as soon as you are ready okay?" He lifted my chin up and looked me in the eye. "Thank you". He pulled me in for another hug and we stayed like that for a few seconds. "Okay uhm I need to go to sleep the pain medicine is really making me tired right now." "Okay of course, do you want me to stay?" "If you want to" I smiled at him. "I'm just going to change and then I'll come back okay" "Thank you Jaden" he walked out and I changed into my pj's before he came back. Of course this guy only owns like one shirt so he didn't wear one now. I stared at him but didn't even realize it. "You know you are staring right" he said with a smirk. "Shut up Hossler" I blushed and looked down. "You know what happened last time you called me that right" he grinned. "Yeahh... But uhm, I'm in pain, so you aren't allowed do to anything" I lift my chin and smiled. He glared at me before answering. "Yeah yeah" he sat down and smiled at me. "Whattt" I looked at him. "Nothing" he laughed and laid down on the bed. I leaned backwards on the headboard. "Ow my head" I exclaimed. He laughed at me. "Don't laugh at me" I pouted. "You are adorable" he was still laughing. "Be quiet." I turned around and turned of the light. I tossed and turned because I couldn't fall asleep. "You okay?" "Yeah I just can't sleep" I laid on my back. He started to chuckle. "Come here" "Jaden if you keep on laughing at me I will kick you." I rest my head on his chest and his arms were now around me. "Good night Blair" "Good night Hossler" I smiled. We both closed our eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up with my head on Jaden's chest. "Good morning" he said and I was shocked by how his voice sounded like in the morning, I have never heard it before but let me tell you I blushed hearing it. "Oh hi" I said chuckling. "How are you feeling?" "Okay, my eye is just hurting a bit. Uhm I'm going to stay in my room today, if you don't mind, I want to avoid questions and I'm not in the mood for anything." "Yeah of course, I understand" Jaden stood up and walked to the door. "Call me if you need anything okay?" "Thanks Jaden" he smiled and closed the door.

Skip to like 4pm

I laid in bed all day, watching netflix. I heard a knock on the door and then a voice. "Hey it's Bryce, can I come in." "Yeah of course" he came in and closed the door. "How are you?" He sat down next to me on the bed. "I'm feeling okay, resting today really made me feel better now." "I'm glad you are feeling better! Listen all of the girls are coming over tonight, but if you don't want to it's fine" "No it's good, I will come down, it will make me feel better being around all of you." "Okay great! They will be here in about 20 minutes." "Thanks Bryce" I smiled at him and he was about to go out of my room when I stopped him. "Bryce are Jaden and Josh okay?" "Yeah, don't worry, they talked it out. Both apologised and everything's okay now, don't worry about it." I smiled at him and he went out. I got up, took a shower and changed into this

 I got up, took a shower and changed into this

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When I was done, I looked into the mirror. I only had marks on my neck as my eye basically cleared up overnight and my lip was healed I walked to my door, opened it and went downstairs. I tried to cover most of the marks on me but I really struggled. There were still a few marks on my neck. At least my eye wasn't swollen. "Hey girl! How are you?" Avani asked as I walked into the room. "I'm good thank you, hbu?" "We are great thank you" "Okay so what are we doing?" "We are just going to chill for a while with some music and maybe do something later." "Sounds perfect" I replied as I sat down. We all talked for hours and sung with a few songs, this was amazing. There was no tension except a little bit between Josh and Jaden but they handled it well. "Let's play 21 questions" Blake screamed out. "Sure let's do it". We all sat around on the couches and Jaden sat down next me on the one side and Josh on the other side. "Okay first question. Josh, when did you last sleep with a girl?" Blake asked. My eyes widened and my heart started to beat faster. Shit, it was me. Play it cool Josh. "A few nights ago" "Wait what! Who?" Bryce quickly asked. "Ay I answered the question" "uhm Bryce, have you confessed your feelings to Addison yet?" Bryce turned red. "Shut up Richards" Josh started to chuckle. "Okay uhm Charli, do you like Chase?" Charli turned red and looked at Chase. "Yes" she blushed. Chase smiled and took her hand. "Awww" a few of us said in unison. "Taylor, whats your body count?" "She had the same question another night" Anthony replied to the question. "I wasn't there tho" Charli turned to me. I looked down and gulped. "Uhm one" I said really softly. "WAIT WHAT?!" Bryce shouted. I looked up and around the room. Jaden sat next to me confused. Bryce's jaw was dropped and everyone was just silent. Josh touched my back. "You okay?" "Yeah". "Wait wait." Jaden now stood up and was in front of the couch. "Josh you said you slept with a girl a few nights ago, Blair you have now slept with one guy. A few nights ago when we played truth or dare both of your answers were different. Did you to seriously sleep together?" He scoffed the last part. "Jaden I'm sorry I-" he cut me off. "No don't talk to me. You let me cuddle and sleep with you last night, I helped patch you up, we were together on the couch and held hands and shit, but you don't tell me you fucked my best friend?" His voice raised. "Jaden" I whispered. He went outside to the backyard and I followed him. "Taylor" I heard Josh's voice behind me but I ignored him and just walked to Jaden. I felt so bad for leading him on. It wasn't my intention. "Jaden?" I asked walking towards him. "I don't want to talk to you" "Jaden I'm sorry, I really am" "Are you together?" He asked softly. "What no, he is my best friend" "Best friends don't have sex" "Jaden it's more complicated than that. It wasn't a choice." "What do you mean? Did he force you?" His voice raised at the end. "No of course not he would never! It's just. Jaden I can't tell you." "Then we have nothing to talk about" He started to walk to the door when I shouted. "Jaden I had to lose it to him!" I cried harder. He just stood still.

For infinity - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now