Chapter 33 <3

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2 weeks later

No issues happened in these 2 weeks so sorry lol now the drama is going to start again.

Blair's pov

Things are really going great between me and Jaden now. Josh has been a little distant and I have no idea why but I guess it's fine, I think? Jaden and I were the day at the park and the rest were all at some party that we didn't want to attend. We walked into the house and heard voices. "Fuck" We both heard a loud moan? We looked at each other and started laughing. "My money on is on Bryce and Addi" "Nah Anthony and Avani" We chuckled and walked upstairs and realized it was coming from Josh's room. Wtf? Josh? "Josh" We heard the girl from the door. We were now actually curious but decided to leave it. I was walking towards my room when suddenly I heard Josh. "Maddison" SORRY WHAT. OH FUCK NO I'M NO DOING THIS!! Jaden and I both looked at each other with widened eyes and went to Josh's room. I knew I was going to regret this as soon as I put my hand on the doorknob. I twisted it very very slowly. "Shit hide hide" I heard Josh whisper inside. I opened the door with Jaden behind me and as I was expected she was actually in here. All four of us stood there in complete silence. Josh was underneath the covers and Mads had a button on shirt over her with like 2 buttons closed. "I- I don't know what to say. Jaden bro I'm sorry" "Okay I'm going to go." Mads said standing up. Fuck this girl is even prettier in real life. How did Jaden cheat on her in the first place. She got out and avoided eye contact with Jaden walking out. "What the fuck Josh" Jaden said behind me.

Okay I'm in two minds over this. One I'm pissed off because I thought I would never have to see Mads in real life and experience this. But on the other hand I literally can't be mad at Josh because first of all, he is single, second of all, Jaden can't be mad cause what he did was way fucking worse, third of all, Josh can technically get with whoever he wants I guess. But Mads, really fucking Mads. I still stood with a shocked look on my face. "Tay are you mad?" "I don't know. I guess it's breaking bro code a bit but also in my opinion you didn't do anything wrong actually." Jaden now walked inside turning to me and looking pissed as fuckk. "What?" "Blair are fucking seriously taking his side on this!" "Jae no I'm not taking sides between my best friend and boyfriend." "Well it fucking looks like it. He literally just fucked Mads and you are telling me it's okay!" "Jaden if you compare what you did to him Josh will look like a fucking saint." "Are you serious right now" Jaden scoffed. "Jaden I don't get why you are so mad actually." Josh also spoke up from behind. "Fucking hell!!" Jaden shouted in front of me. "Don't shout out me Jaden" "No this fucking insane" He walked out and I heard him slam his bedroom door close. I turned around facing Josh who had only his shorts on. "Joshua Richards" I said glaring at him. "I'm not mad at you, but why the hell her. Did you not realize the drama this would create? Wait is this why you were acting so distance these recent few days?" He just nodded. "It just happened okay, we talked for the first time since everything happened and then I said she could come over today because no one is here so we could talk. It just happened I didn't plan on it." "It's okay he will get over it." I chuckled and gave him a hug. I went out of the room and knocked on Jaden's door to reveal him lying on his bed with a bottle of Vodka next to him. Wtff. "Jae?" I asked. He looked up and our eyes connected before he just looked away. "Bitch I know you did not just ignore me." I said walking towards the bed. I got on it and sat there with my legs crossed looking at him. "Go away. I don't want you here." He slurred on his words. I looked at him with this weird look and because I didn't say anything he started looking up and we connected eyes again. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just stared at me. "What?" I snapped and he kind of looked shocked. "What?" He snapped back. Okay this was just getting funny now. "Hossler why are you drunk?" He didn't say anything and just looked at me with this puppy eyes. "Words Jae, can, you, speak words please?" I asked sarcastically like I was busy explaining to a 4-year-old. He just crossed his arms. "You took his side" "Oh wow did the baby boy finally talk" I gasped. He glared at me and I started chuckling. "That's not funny" "Oh come on Jae it is. You are exaggerating." "He fucked her Blair." "And you fucked his girl" I replied knowing that will shut him up. He looked down. "Precisely. Why the hell does it bother you that much anyway. If I didn't know any better I would say you still have feelings for her." "It's been 10 months." "Yeah 10 months and you're not over her even after hooking up with her best friend." I was frustrated and walked out slamming the door. Ffs I was on the verge of making him laugh or some shit but now I can't help wondering why this is bothering him so much. I get that it's Josh but he can't think he has any right to be mad at him.
I went downstairs and all of the guys was there. "Hey Taylor" Bryce walked past me. "Hey" "You okay?" "Yeah I'm great. Listen when is the next party?" I honestly just want to get my mind of all of this shit so the best way for that to happen is a party. "Actually tonight, I was just telling the boys in the car that I want a party tonight." "Okay great. I'll get some stuff before it starts." "Great thank youu" Josh walked downstairs and we informed him of the party tonight. "I'm actually about to get some stuff, will you come with me?" "Yeah of course, let's go" Josh replied and we were about to walk out when I stopped and turned to Bryce. "Do me a favour and make sure Jaden doesn't do anything stupid. He is drunk and I don't want him to do anything" "Of course, no problem." I smiled at him and turned around walking to the car. We got in and drove to a few places. "So I'm guessing Jaden isn't okay much?" Josh spoke up on the situation. "Yeah it's fucking stupid he doesn't even have a reason. Hell if I couldn't help myself I would think he was jealous." "Johnson we talked about this. Jaden is in love with you." "Yeah but Josh he was in a relationship with her for 4 years. 4 fricken years. Josh that is a lot more than the few months him and I have only known each other." "It will all work out you'll see. But don't worry about that now, let's just enjoy tonight." We stopped back at sway and got everything ready for the party. I went upstairs and didn't even bother to look in Jaden's room. I still can't shake the idea out of my head and it's killing me a bit. I took a shower and this was my outfit for the night.

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