Chapter 32 - He who walks in all fours

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Lucas's POV

We were being quiet. And by we I mean Xavier, Chase, Scott and I. We were being completely behaved teens.

And why wouldn't we?? Cause other than Scott's, our parents were looking right at us with clearly unamused looks on their faces as we stood in dad's office.

Garreth and Lina were also there alongside the other high ranks which included Aaron's and Chase's parents.

"Now why exactly would you all keep this information from us??" Dad's authoritive voice said as he talked with us directly. "And other than that, you all completely disobeyed what I said the last time. Concentrate yourselves in your studies. Keep yourselves safe from any dangers."

"Lucas. Xavier. I specifically thought that the two of you would listen and do just that. To keep your sister, alongside with your friends, safe." My brother and I felt the heaviness of our father's authority in the room. Making the two of us show our necks out in submission towards him.

"The both of you have completely disappointed me." I heard Mesan whining in my mind when he had said that. And I could tell that Xavier's wolf was in the same shape as mine as well.

We've always done everything to make our parents proud of us along with Elizabeth. So it was the very first time that we saw dad looking at us with such disappointment.

And because of that, we couldn't even look at him straight as my brother and I had ourselves looking towards the floor.

At that, mom decided to cut in as she went to hold dad's hand to calm him down.

"They had reason Jay." She said.

"You can't always protect them Love. They need to learn that what they did wasn't right."

"They wanted to help. Like you, they only wanted to keep not only our pack safe but also everyone who lives in this town." She said in our defence. "I am not happy that they disobeyed us but like I said. They had reason."

Dad went quiet after she said that. But I could still feel his gaze pointed right at us though.

A knock soon came from the door and it soon opened to reveal Aaron along with Elizabeth and Isabella.

You could very well see that Aaron was trying to avoid the heated gaze of his parents as they went to stand beside us.

"Uncle, we brought someone with us who can help tell you everything you all need to know about what's happening. Is it okay if we brought him in??" I gave Aaron a questioning look along with Xavier since we didn't know what he was doing.

Dad's brow raised at that, but then nodded his head which led the young wolf to walk back towards the door before opening it.

And when I saw who it was waiting, my eyes widened in surprise.

"I think it would be proper to introduce myself first since I am in your home. My name is Thomas Anderson. One of the teachers in the school that your children are currently going to."

When he said that, you could see almost all of the adults becoming concerned since they were confused as to why he was here. They didn't even know that Mr. Anderson wasn't just a normal teacher.

"There's no need to worry. I've already known of the existence of the supernatural long before." He added which somewhat calmed them down.

"How do you know about us??" Aaron's dad went to wearily ask him.

"Well it's my job. Cause other than being a teacher, I am also the current Healer of this town. And with it, comes the responsibility of knowing everything supernatural."

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