Chapter 41 - Feelings from the Past

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Jayden's POV

Walking out of the dungeons with the healer and my mate with me, my thoughts played back the scene of Thomas (Mr. Anderson) talking to the boy all the while as he was chained up on the back wall of his cell.

Now in all my years as being Bloodrose's Lead Omega, I've learned a thing or two on how to read other people. I pretty much had to learn since whenever there came a time that a lone rogue would venture within our pack's territory, we don't just give him or her the option of joining our pack right on the spot.

No. That would be a pretty idiotic move.

So instead, the rogue would be brought to the dungeon as well. Well fed and taken care of in which during his or her stay, will be questioned if he or she can be given an option of joining the pack.

This process will be going on for a few days till there will come a time that the rogue would be allowed to venture around the pack under strict and close observation of course.

Well, I think I'm going a bit too carried away with the current topic at hand. So let's just say that I know how to read people. A skill which I use to help protect my pack from possible dangers of supernaturals that would want to get close with my pack with their hidden agendas in mind.

And as I listened to the conversation that the kid had with Thomas, I never saw a hint of deceit in his features and in the tone of his voice.

He was telling the truth. But honest to goodness, there was still the chance of me being wrong.

"Sorry I took so long." Upon exiting the dungeons, Mikey was immediately there. Carrying with him a medium sized box which made me look at him questioningly since the box was clearly took big for the small shard.

Catching on to our curious glances, he carefully handed the box over towards the healer before saying, "Turns out I ain't no Elsa. The cold did bother me a bit."

"I placed it in a small shoebox at first but within minutes it started freezing over." He said. "So I opted on putting the shoebox inside of a bigger box. And that box to a bigger one and that box into the medium sized one that you're currently holding but the weird thing is that I can still feel the coldness coming from the shard."

"That's what True Ice does. So I better get going and transfer the shard into a more suitable container before it freezes over all of the layers of boxes. Contact me if anything happens and if when you all decide to tell Francis's sister about his situation."

And just as he left, Cole then arrived shortly. Stepping out of his car while carrying two bags of some things from a convenience store I presumed.

"I saw that guy's car leaving. Anything happened while I was gone??" He asked as Mikey went to help with by taking one of the bags.

"Ooohh you bought some Cheetos." He mused excitedly after looking inside of the the bag.

"The wendigo shifted back after he gave him a jar of animal grease to drink. And just like what the kids told us, it was indeed their human friend from school. Thomas just went to ask the boy a few questions afterwards. And we don't really know how long before the wendigo spirit would take over again." Madison went to tell him what had happened as the four of us made our way back to the packhouse.

"Did he say anything about..." He didn't finish his sentence yet it was clear that Cole was talking about the human killings.

"He said he didn't do it."

"And you believe him??" He asked me just as we walked into the packhouse.

"I think he was telling the truth. But of course we should look into it more if he's really telling the truth." I said and Cole went to stop and looked at Maddison and I before giving a slow nod.

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