Chapter 68 - The Pain in one's heart

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Lucas's POV

Nearly a week had passed since the incident at the park and the cops still seemed baffled on what had happened but Uncle Cole made sure to give them the info which necessarily gave them the answers that they needed.

Lessening the risk of the humans looking into things that they shouldn't and possibly finding something a bit supernatural.

The savage killings have stopped and things were somewhat going back to normal but to the towns' relief. We went back to school since our parents thought that it'd be a good decision seeing as the threat had somewhat subsided and since we still needed our education.

A lot of things happened after the night of our confrontation with Lydia. Though with the downhearted look on Chase's expression, I knew that he was still affected by the news that Uncle Cole told us that night.


All of us were sitting comfortably by on the couch of our living room while waiting for Uncle Cole to walk in and tell us what exactly happened but he said that he had to talk to Chase's mom first before telling us which gave me a bit of a bad feeling.

"What do you think he's gonna tell us??" Xavier asked as he sat beside me along with Elizabeth and Isabella.

"I don't know. Maybe he found something about that hunter that shot Lydia??" I replied.

"There was a hunter??" Our sister questioningly spoke up as she glanced between the two of us.

"We can't really say for sure but who else could it be?? The bullet had silver in it so I think that it's possible." I answered

"Fighting Wendigos and human hunters with guns and silver bullets. Your parents are really gonna like this when Mikey explains to them what happened." Uncle Brody chuckled by the window while we groaned at the thought of what our parents were gonna say to us when they get back. Looking through the window,  It was pitch dark outside of the packhouse with the only lights coming from here and the other cabins but with the recent attack we were still keeping ourselves ready just in case.

"They're taking too long." Chase impatiently said as he sat alone on the other couch. We all knew the reason why he was on a hurry to head out. Even with what happened and what she did, he still deeply cared for Lydia. And honestly, I couldn't really blame her for what she did. She was unaware that she was being manipulated by the wendigo spirit that used her anger to get what it wanted.

I'm not justifying what she did but I can clearly say that in my opinion, Lydia was a victim in all of this.

Soon enough, Uncle Cole walked in with Chase's mom and Uncle Mikey behind him so I'm guessing that he talked with him too aside from Aunt Loury. 

"Alright, I see that everyone's here. Let's discuss everything that happened today. Both here, and at the park." Uncle Cole spoke up as the rest of us silently waited for him to continue.

"With the attack that happened here, it's pretty clear that there's someone out there who has it out for the pack but after discussing with Mikey, I think I can say that the main reason on why they came here was because of the spirit walker that we had in the dungeons." I already had a good idea about what he was talking about. Uncle Mikey told me and Xavier about this himself when we asked him.

The others that didn't know looked confused about this but didn't question since they knew that Uncle Cole was going to explain what he meant.

"The ones that attacked weren't just wolves and vampires. Along with them, there was another, different supernaturals who came along with them." He said.

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