Chapter 75 - It Starts

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3rd person's POV

The soft flow of a stream can be made out in the small clearing. Surrounded by trees and moss, like a little haven within the desolate forest.

The animals were quick to take advantage of this as they looked for a place to rest from the hardships and refuge that the forest has brought.

Birds and small mammals can be seen. Even a large, solitary buck wanted an escape from the forest's safety for a drink.

Taking it's steps, it was still careful. Looking around for possible dangers as it stood a few feet away from the stream.

As it took another step, a twig snapping was heard. And the only thing that the buck was able to see was a set of canines as it was quickly brought down by a large wolf with dirtied brown fur.

The rest of the animals scattered. Fleeing from the danger that has arrived as the wolf immediately took the buck's life by snapping it's neck with it's powerful jaws.

It wasted no time on gorging itself as it tore through the buck's flesh. It's hunger taking the better of it as it didn't notice another wolf creeping up. Eyeing the raw meat as the brown wolf soon took notice of it's presence and bared it's canines.

"This is my kill!! Go find your own!!" The brown wolf snarled at the gray wolf. Stepping between it's meal and the bray wolf who looked back at him with intent.

"There aren't any large game left in the area. You know the rules that the Alpha had out up, Colt. Any kill, must be given out through the pack."

"What pack, Devin?? I've always been a lone rogue and I only joined his cause with his promise that he would kill all of those pack wolves."

"And we did. We took out most of the packs with the help of Alpha Jason's new allies." He pointed out though Colt only growled.

"Small packs that aren't even worth mentioning." He said. "What is it that the Alpha truly wants?? It was the only real attack that we waged against those fucking pack wolves but we only managed to wipe out the small ones. If he was smart, he would've continued the attacks until we take out the more influential packs with the numbers and allies that we have now."

"Know your place, mutt. Do not disrespect the Alpha. You know the punishment once you do." Devin gritted out. Giving him a warning growl to which Colt had returned.

A fight was seemingly unavoidable between the two. The buck long forgotten as they now wagered pride.

"Well this looks interesting." They both turned to see Carlos looking down at them as he stood on a large branch of a tree nearby. "Care to tell me what this is about?? Or are you both just fighting over that carcass there."

They both looked surprised to see the vampire there with them, and Devin was the first to shift back into his human form.

"He insulted the Alpha." He told him but then he just scoffed.

"I insult that asshole all the time. So what??" The wolves looked taken-back with what he said. And Devin couldn't even find the words to say as he glanced at Colt who was still in his wolf form before turning back to Carlos.

"Is there anything else??" The vampire questioned. "If there isn't then I'll be off first then." He said before jumping down from the tree.

"And Colt??" The wolf turned his head. "Food is running a bit low in this area, so if you don't want to become one yourself, I'd share that buck with the others. I hear cannibalism isn't all that uncommon with some rogues."

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