Chapter 76 - Truth be told

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Cole's POV

I'd like to say that I had a great night's sleep last night, but I'd be lying to you.

How exactly can you sleep when Jason's mate was sleeping on my couch??

The wolf who most likely started up all the problems that are happening in Timberland.

I know that I was the one who let him in my apartment, but even though Mathew was Jason's mate, a fact that is still quite shocking if I have to say, it wouldn't mean that he's automatically a bad guy.

And plus, being a detective, I've learned how to read people and I can tell that he wasn't lying with what he told me.

"Well look at the early bird." I said when I saw him awake but still lying down on my couch. "Want some breakfast??"

"No thanks." He answered while sitting himself up. Though he seemed to be in his own thoughts as he did.

"Good. Cause I was only asking you out of courtesy. I had no plan of giving you my food." That made him glance towards me skeptically as I was making myself some much needed coffee.

"You're really not a morning person huh." I heard him say. "Cause you're not being a very good host."

"That happens when you didn't get any sleep." I said. "You can get the hell out of my apartment if you want to."

"You be you I guess." He shrugged. Leaning against my sofa before letting out a long sigh.

Giving him a glance for a moment, I took out two mugs before pouring in some coffee in both.

He seemed a bit surprised when I stood behind him. Handing him one mug before sitting on a vacant seat in my living room.

"Coffee's all you're gonna get." I said before taking a much needed sip.

He looked like he wanted to reply with a snappy comeback, but then he just gave me a smile before saying, "Appreciated." As he took his own sip.

"And don't worry. I'm not really in the mood to eat." He then added.

He must have felt my eyes on him cause then he turned and gave me a confused look as he asked, "What??"

"Nothing." I said. Leaning back with a sigh. "I was just wondering what you were planning to do after what happened with your... Psycho mate."

He scoffed. "I have no idea whatsoever. Like I told you last night, I gave up my whole life to follow him. Hoping that one day he'd accept me. Thinking about it right now, I was a fucking idiot."

"You were only following your instincts since he's your mate. Nothing wrong with that."

"WAS my mate. I don't really give a rats' ass about him anymore." He told me with a hard tone. 

I could tell that he wasn't lying when he said this. The pain and anger that could be seen in his eyes were just too much to fake it.

And in a little twisted way, our situations wasn't that different. We were both trapped in a one sided feeling of affection for someone who couldn't even spare us the same glance.

But that aside, if he was really through with Jason's side, then this might be the opportunity to find out some important things from him.

Tell me that I'm taking advantage of his situation but I really don't care. We had to find out something that could potentially help us stop whatever that bastard's plotting.

"I might have an idea." He turned to look back at me after I said this. "And if you cooperate, there's a chance that you might be able to salvage a life for yourself."

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