Chapter 28

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Rose's POV
The bright sunshine leaks through the large windows of the bedroom and I can't keep my eyes closed any longer. I blink rapidly trying to remember my very eventful night, I let out a long sigh and try to push it to the back of my mind.

I feel two strong arms wrapped around my waist and over my my chest holding me securely to his muscular warm body. I try to turn around and face him but his grip on me tightens, I roll my eyes and squirm until his arms loosen from around me and his strong legs untwist from mine. I turn over and look up to Marcus's calm face, he is so handsome, the light hits the side of his face perfectly.His long dark eyelashes make a shadow over his amazing cheek bones and his cute heart shaped lips are parted. looking extremely kissable. His hair is messy but looks so soft, I keep my hands down knowing all I want to do is run my fingers through it.

I trace random patterns on his chest and small chill bumps appear on his glistening body. I want to explore his body completely even though I'm dreading the moment he wakes up, I'm scared he's going to kick me out and tell me all of last night was just an act to make me feel better. The thought instantly makes my heart ache and I look away from him, just imagining him saying those words to me crushes my heart.

I snuggle into his chest hugging myself, his arms allowing there to be no space between us. My cheek squishes against his hard chest and I try and enjoy this moment.

Sleeping in his arms I had the best sleep I have ever had in my entire life. I never got any sleep when my dad was around, I was always afraid he would come in my room and beat me so I was up all hours of the night. But sleeping with Marcus, I like he would protect me from any and everything. After the nightmare I had I doubted I would get any sleep but when he came in and I fell asleep instantly, to be honest I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Marcus stirs in his sleep and I look up at him, his eyebrows are pulled together and he slowly opens his eyes, reviling sparkling blue orbs. He looks over my face and a wide smile spreads across his lips and I can't help but blush and smile at his intense stare.

"Good morning my love" he says

Oh dear god

A shiver of pleasure rolls through my body, his voice is husky and his chest vibrates with each word.

He kisses my forehead "Morning" I say sitting up slowly running my fingers through my messy waves

He turns on his back and places his arms under his head, his hands on the back of his head. I look around the room and it's even more beautiful with the sunlight pouring in. I fight the urge to go and look through everyone of those book on his amazing bookshelf, I let out a sigh and look back over to him.

He won't stop smiling and staring at me, I tuck my hair behind my ears and I feel the tips of my ears burn red "what?" I asked embarrassed

His smile gets bigger "your so beautiful"

My eyes widen and he chuckles "thank you" I say unable to look at him because I know how red my face is

A few moments go by as we sit in a comfortable silence but he continues to stare "stop looking at me like that" I say quietly

"Like what?" He asks propping himself up on his elbows looking curious

"Like you love me" I almost whisper

"Oh but I do" he says and I look up at him in shock, does he mean that? Is he just joking? Maybe he means he loves me as a student?..oh god I hope not.

He breaks the silence "How's your injures?" He asks worried pulling my leg out of the covers and over to him, he stares down at my smooth skin the marks on my legs making me pull back in embarrassment, he kisses the scratches and runs a light finger over them, shiver running down my back at his action

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