Chapter 55

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"Four days! Four god damn days and still nothing!" Marcus says loudly

I groan and lean back in his office chair while he paces the room. I look over to Caden who looks just as mad. I turn to Jade who's sitting next to me and she looks pale and drained, she's been practicing spells this whole time, trying to track them. Her black raven hair is thrown up in a messy ponytail, probably not have been washed for the past two days. Nate and Harry are still out there. They came in early this morning and said they still haven't found them. They came close twice and the werewolves almost caught them but they keep getting away. Marcus has non stop been working, he's getting sightings called in and then sending some of the vampires that way but when they get there the three have disappeared.

Lucia still hasn't gotten any closer to getting into the informants head, she said she was a strong vampire and it would take time but Marcus being Marcus, he's being impatient.

"They're searching day in and day out Marcus" Jade explains rubbing a hand down her pale face

"all of them are trying there hardest" I tell him

He frowns with pity filled eyes"That's not good enough" he says softly to me, that's what he's been doing these past few days. He's being extra sweet and soft but there's one problem with that...he hasn't touched me at all

I know this is a bad time to be sexual frustrated but I am. He's been so gentle, at night he hardly wraps his arm around me. The closest we've gotten to anything is a few pecks on the lips, I know he's just afraid I'm still mad at him and he doesn't want to push himself on me. I think he's still thinking about our argument on Friday, even though I forgave him the second I walked away from him. I miss him, I know he's right here but I want him.

"They've searched all around the east part of town" Caden says "Harry almost got one of them, the one with no rank, we've found out that the male with the highest rank is the fastest and strongest, the female is powerful but slower" he explains holding Jades hand "our best chance is the low ranked male"

"Ok thank you, is that all?" Marcus asks leaning on his desk and dragging his hands down his face

"So far, I or someone else will call you if we catch a sighting or their scents" Caden says and Marcus nods walking away from his desk

"Ok" he sighs "I hope to hear from you soon" Marcus says and leans up against the wall

"I hope so too" he says ruffling his blonde curls "come on Jade"

She gets up from her seat and hugs me "girl you better get some you look stiff as a stick" she pulls back and winks at me, my face turns bright red and she chuckles. I look over at Marcus but he looks to deep in thought to have heard and Caden just chuckles as Jade walks into his arms

"See you later Rose bud, stay inside" he says and I scoff, considering I haven't gone outside in two days it's not funny

Marcus wants to keep me inside and in his view, I haven't argued yet because I know it will only cause problems. I'm also scared to go outside but the vampires haven't been super close to this house yet, the closest they've been is twenty miles. I've checked in with mom for the past two days too and they got pretty close to the house, not close enough to be too worried but closer than I would like. She's oblivious to everything, thank god. I'm trying to sound as calm as possible when we talk but I can't help but be nervous.

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