Chapter 70

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Rose's POV
I wince as I slowly start to wake up and pain starts to throb through my body. I cringe when I feel my clothes stick to my clammy skin from the water on the ground...At least I hope it's water. Goosebumps grow all over my body from the icy air. I groan and lift my head but my neck cramps as I pull my cheek off the cold damp ground.

Confusion runs through me and my breathing starts to get faster and more hollow. I start to look around and my fear is confirmed. He took me. I don't know where or how but I know I'm not near Marcus.

I feel a sting of pain and curse under my breath "Shit" I look down at my leg to see dried and fresh blood on my pants and skin, I inwardly scream at the intense pain that stretches throughout my entire leg. A deep cut slits through my shin and calf, I reach down and run my finger across it, I wince at the burning sensation but I'm satisfied to see it's not infected. I don't even try and stand as I look around the cage I'm in.

We must be in a dungeon or basement because it's freezing down here, it smells of rotten blood and mildew. I wipe my nose and crinkle my face as I try not to gag. The only light source is three light bulbs hanging from the dark stone ceiling outside my...cell. In all there's three cells, forming a right angle in the small room, one next to me and the other catty corner. A small hallway leads outside of the cells around the corner, I'm assuming to a door.

I shiver and wipe the tears that I hadn't realized had fallen. I can't and won't let my father see me cry. How long have I been passed out? I reach my hand up and feel a thick wet scrap on the back of my head, I groan as the loud throbbing beats through my brain and ears. I massage my temples and bend the back of my neck trying to stop the constant pounding in my skull.

Where am I? Has my father been here? Am I still on Marcus's side? How is Marcus? Is he looking for me? I gasp as the question suddenly enters my Caine here? Caine. The brother of my mate who killed there entire family because he wanted Marcus to himself...will he do the same with me?

I pull myself up by the bars on the cell, the metal feels cold under my hands, I bite my lip and take one hand off the bar to cover my mouth as I yelp in pain from my movement. I let myself fall back to the ground as more tears fall. I am deathly afraid of what will happen. I try and ignore the horrid thoughts that threaten to break down the wall I have built up.

He will come for me right? Marcus will come...will he come in time though? My heart sinks at my own thoughts and I shake my head to try and get all the negative thoughts away. I have to have hope, without it I'm nothing. I pull my hand up to my necklace and feel the dark swirls under my finger tips, I close my eyes and take a deep breath as it calms me. I look down at the jewel and watch it shine in the dim light.

Marcus will come

I close my eyes again and take a deep shaky breath as tears spill over my cheeks. I bring Marcus's shirt up to my nose and inhale deeply, it mostly smells of blood, mildew, and dirt but I still smell the faint and amazing scent of him. I hold on to the smell for as long as I can, needing the comfort and the feeling of home it brings me. After a minute I open my eyes again and turn around to see Amber sprawled across the dirty ground "Amber!" I gasp scooting over to her as I drag myself with my hands

I put my arms on her body and take a sigh of relief to see her breathing. I shake her body with all of my energy praying she'll wake up and be ok "Amber!" I whisper yell looking around and listening to every sound hoping to god no one will come in

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