Chapter 78

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Rose's POV
I hear a constant beating in my ear and I wiggle my nose at the strong smell that enters my nose, smells like a hospital my brain tells me. I feel my mind slowly waking up from my deep sleep and I groan when I try to move, pain spreading through my ribs. Wait?

I slowly open my eyes but blink rapidly when the bright white light burns my sensitive eyes. I look down at myself and gasp, multiple wires and tubes are hooked up to me, an IV in one hand and the another one on the opposit side of my elbow, both dropping liquids slowly into me...and to make it worse I'm dressed in those hideous green and blue hospital gowns

"Déjà Vo" I say to myself remembering the time at the beginning of the year when I was in the hospital because of Luke with the gym incident

God that feels like it was years ago, thinking back on then and everything that has happened since is crazy. I look around the empty room with a frown. White practically covers the whole room, white walls, except for the picture frames that line up on the wall, most with bright bursts of nature or giggling children. White sheets cover me, the white ceiling tiles with the bright white lights make the room glow, even a white couch over to the side that has a blanket and pillow messily spread out across it. Over to the right side is a light brown wooden door and I'm guessing it leads to the bathroom. I turn to my left and down a short hallways I see another door, which I'm assuming leads out to the rest of the hospital.

I sigh and look over myself, I should be in a lot more pain I know I had multiple bad injuries that I honestly thought I would die from.

Before I passed out Evangeline was talking to Lucia and they just keep naming the injuries I had like they were singing the alphabet. I know I had internal bleeding, a brain injury, fractured ribs, bruises, cuts, lacerations but after that I passed out again.

My body aches and is sore, my head, ribs, and calf still hurts but other than that I feel ok. I pull the sheet and wool blanket off of my leg to see my calf and shin covered in a thick layer of white gauze. I sigh in relief, happy to see I still have my leg. I try to sit up a little more but groan, my hand instantly sliding across my stomach.

Tears well up in my eyes and the heart monitor speeds up a little. As I begin to lean back slowly, I hear the door open and I turn to it praying its Marcus, my hearts skips a beat just thinking about him.

The door slowly opens and in pops my moms head, I relax a little and smile wide at her "oh my god! Honey!" She says rushing in holding balloons and a cup of water

She sets down the balloons and cup next to my bed and flops down on me with her arms wrapping around my neck, she bends over the railing awkwardly "thank god you're awake" she holds me tighter and I groan a little "how are you feeling? do you need any water? Do you need the nurse?" She asks in a rush, pulling away from me

I laughs a little "I'm fine mom" I tell her as I look into her sweet brown eyes

Then it hits me, what does she know? What did they tell her? Where is Marcus? Did he tell her what happened, what really happened?

"Mom..." I trail off "what happened?" I ask holding my breath and praying she doesn't know all about the hell that I really went through, a flash of my fathers face crosses my mind, making me shiver

She sighs holding my cheek and sitting down on the bed next to my thigh " were coming to see me at Vicky's and when you were driving Marcus called you, you were looking for your phone... you swerved hit a tree" a tears slips down her cheek "the steering wheel broke your ribs because the airbag malfunctioned and your head hit the window really hard" she sighs "there not sure about how that huge gash on your leg got there, it was infected and they said it had to have happened a while ago but I said that was impossible so we may never know" she says staring at me "you had a lot of bruises and you were dehydrated but they are filling you with fluids and the bruises should heal in about a week... I'm just glad you're awake and smiling" she wipes the tears from her cheeks and hugs my neck again

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