Chapter 44

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All throughout work Sky would not leave me alone asking me questions about Harry. He eventually came in and Sky was his server, he didn't ask for anything just told her he was my cousin and waiting on me. She said she almost fainted when he talked to her, and I quote 'his voice was orgasmic'. She kept asking if I was always surrounded by beautiful men and if you think about it I kind of am.

"Ok I'm finished" I tell him shrugging on my coat as I walk over to the table he's been sitting at for two hours

"I actually feel bad for you" he says standing

I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow "why?"

"Well first you have school, then work and now you have to train" he says standing and walking over to the back door, heading to his car with me right behind him

"Yeah I'm already beat, but I only have work Mondays and Wednesday's so it won't be that bad" I say not believing it because I'm already so tired

He nods "I don't think Nate will train you that hard today, one because of your hand and two we have to get you in shape first" he says and I nod thankful I won't be pushed to the max today

We take the long drive to Marcus's house, the scene change from busy city to quiet woods quickly. I ask him about his hobbies and other things that arn't too personal just so I can get to know him a little better.

"Favorite color?" I ask

"Black, you?"

"Red" I answer "When's your birthday?" I ask

"May 10th" he says "when's yours?"

"Thursday, I'll be turning 18" I say smiling

"Happy early birthday, do you know what Marcus is doing for you?" He asks

"Nope and I'm not even going to try and find out because he's secretive, but the thing is I don't want him to do anything, he's already done too much for me"

"you're his soul mate, he'll do anything and everything for you" he tells me and I want to ask how he knows so much about mates but I stay quiet

We talk a little longer and I'm slowly seeing him come out of his shell around me. His smile gets a little bigger, stares a little longer, and shoulders more relaxed. He talks to me sometimes like we've been talking our whole lives. He gets more comfortable by the day.

We pull up to his house and I slowly get out, the smell of fresh pine and the winter wind is calming. "ready for your first day of training?" He asks

I sigh "as ready as I'll ever be" I say and he nods as we walk further up the drive way

A second later I see Marcus and Caden appear, laughing and walking out of the wood. Marcus's head snaps over to me and my heart melts seeing him. I drop my bag and run up to him, smiling like crazy. His arms are open wide and they latch around my small waist, hoisting me up off the ground. He spins me twice before he pulls back, I look down at his face, me still being off the ground, and hold his head in my hands.

He looks tired, his eyes have dark circles around his sparkling blue eyes, even though he's smiling I know it's forces. His dark hair is messy, dirt covers his perfect face and clothes, bruises are on the rest of him "oh my god what happened?!" I ask as he sets me down, I look up and down his body worried as heck

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