Chapter 8

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Marcus's POV
Jade and I race out of my class room heading to the parking lot, I would use my speed but I'm surrounded by students, human students. I don't know what to do, Jade only got a text from Amber saying the ambulance came and picked her up and that they were bringing her to the emergency room. We have no idea what's wrong with her or what even happened. I swear to god I will rip off whosoever's head hurt Rose.

We get into my car and speed out of the parking lot with student looking at us like where nuts. The only thing I'm focused on is getting to Rose as fast as possible.

Jade and I don't speak the entire ride to the hospital, both in our own minds freaking out. Jade keeps shaking her leg and biting her fingernails, while I keep my eyes fixed on the road.

We get in the hospital and run into the ER section of the building.

"Hi can you please tell us where Rose Parker is?" Jade asks out of breath, the lady at the desk nods her head and starts to type away on her computer.

After a moment to long I say through my teeth "Now please!" the lady looks started but I could care less she is keeping me from my mate.

"Of course she's in room 2106" she says pointing down the hall of numbered doors. Jade and I nod and start to run down the hall way.

"2103,2104,2105...2106!!! Here here,  she's in here" Jade yells, we rush in the door and the first thing I see is a girl, who I'm guessing is her friend Amber and a werewolf who I'm sure is Luke.

Before they even look up at us I ask "what happened?" I walk towards the hospital bed, Rose is unconscious layout there looking beautiful and peaceful. Her heart monitor going steady, even if that wasn't there I would know. I sit in the chair next to her bed and hold her soft hand rubbing my thumb across it enjoying her touch. I kiss her head softly thanking God shes alive, I scan her over seeing she has a bruised nose but not broken and a mild concussion, with slight swelling in her brain. I let out a frustrated sigh what the hell happened to her, who the hell could injure her like this.

"We were in P.E" Luke speaks up "and we were playing dodge ball when...I um...well I was trying to throw the ball at this guy who hit Amber and he dodged it and it hit Rose in the face, she fell back and hit her head on the gym floor, I swear I didn't mean to, I never meant to hurt your mate. Please forgive me" he says calmly and respectively

"What the hell were you doing throwing balls around humans in the first place! First you are a werewolf and second and most important you are a soon to be alpha, you know how strong you are yet you choose to ignore it and injure my mate!"

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight I was trying to protect Amber and when she got hit my anger got the best of me. I never meant to hurt Rose honestly she is my friends and my mates best friend, I would never intentionally hurt her."

"If you ever hurt my mate again I swear to god I will kill you and all your other dogs"

His face twists in anger obviously not happy at my threat. I see his pupils dilate but before he can reply Amber speaks up "the doctor said she should be fine and should wake up soon, they didn't have to do any surgery, thank god, they just need to make sure the swelling goes down in her brain." I slowly back away from Luke, deeming it a fight not worth fighting.

"Very well, what about her parents has anyone called them?" I ask

"Yeah I called her mom when we first got here, she said she would come as fast as possible." Amber say and I nod

We sit in silence for a while waiting for Rose to wake up, it was practically torture unable to talk to her and make sure she is ok. I held her hand the whole time never wanting to let go of her. I can't believe I let something happen to her. I'll have to make sure she is protected at all times, I just have to figure out how.

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