Chapter 9

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(Roses Mother^^^)
Rose's POV
Leaving the hospital was hectic, trying to get all the paperwork filled out was hell. Then came the bills, which I knew were going to be way more than we could afford. But my mom wouldn't let me see the numbers, even after I practically tried ripping them out of her hand.

The doctor proscribed me more pain killers to take for the next week just in case my head started hurting. By the time we got out of the hospital it was already 2:30 and I hadn't had breakfast or lunch. So me and my mom head out for a quick lunch.

The only thing my mom wants to talk about is Marcus but I try to avoid the subject as much as possible. I already miss him I don't need to be reminded of it. When we get home my mom heads to work after getting ready.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" She asks worried as she puts her short hair in a small bun

I roll my eyes "yes mom I'll be fine go to work"

She hesitates but obliges "ok I'll be home around 6" she says hugging me and placing a sweet kiss on my cheek

"Ok, I love you be safe" I tell her, for some reason I'm kinda paranoid today I start to think about my dad. I had a dream about him last night, it wasn't the usual one it was one where I was sleeping and when I woke up he was just looking at me and the next thing I knew I was in my moms bedroom with my dad on top of her holding her frail arms down against the bed and I couldn't move. I was screaming and kicking trying to get to her but I couldn't, it was horrible.

"Hey" my mom coos and she places her hand in my cheek "are you sure your ok?" I brush it off with a shrug

"I'm fine really" I assure her "go on you don't want to be late" I push her through the door gently and she nods.

"Love you honey" she says walking to her beat up car. I watch her car leave the driveway and she waves once more to me and I wave goodbye to her with a small smile on my face.

I close the door and lock it still feeling odd, I walk in my room and change into grey sweats and a black tank top, I lay on my bed and close my eyes. The pain killers they gave me make me feel extremely tired. I just took some at lunch and boy did they kick in, my eyelid begin to feel heavy and I fall into a deep sleep.

Marcus's POV
After leaving the hospital the night before Rose could be discharged I went home reluctantly. I didn't want to leave my mate, not while she was in pain. Especially what happened in there, we were so close to kissing. After seeing her so turned on it was hard not to take her, and by hard I mean harder than trying not to kill a human right after being changed. She's just so damn beautiful and after feeling her long slender leg and being so close to her- I shake my head. I'm very proud of myself for not bending every piece of medal in that place.

I mean for gods sake she got me hard just by looking at her underwear, I was about to die putting them on her. And damn the way she said my name could send me over the edge in a second. But it wasn't enough, I need to be with her both mentally and physically, shes the most perfect thing in this entire world and she is all mine, forever.

I wish I didn't have to leave her, I could tell she didn't want me to go. But I had to. It was the only way I could restrain myself from fucking her in a hospital bed with her mother there to watch, I scold myself for thinking about it.

I drive home with one thing on my mind, all the things I could have done to her in that bed, I shake my head trying to get my mind out of the gutter and start focusing on the road.

When I get home I go to bed figuring I would try and get into Rose's dream but every time I tried it was like it was blocked, the only thing that could have caused that is someone is blocking it, she is, or she is already dreaming a very intense dream. After an hour I give up, even though I don't want to since I won't be able to see her tomorrow I do and fall sleep.

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