Chapter 77

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Marcus's POV
I stare at him ready to attack and end this forever

"No fair...I was hoping you'd let me play with your head a little bad Evangeline helped you out with that, can't say the same for Rose though...I showed her some...things" Caine says evilly with a deep chuckle 

I knew that spell wouldn't protect her, I had hoped it would but Sebastian must have broke it...what did he do to her mind?

I bare my fangs and I feel my black pupils expanding throughout my eyes in anger as I start towards him. He charges me as well, I throw out my arm but he dodges it and passes me pushing me from behind, his hands shove my back causing me to fall and slide across the dirt. I stand up and look back at him, the black in his eyes spreading across the blue.

I get up and jump in the air, tackling him to the ground gripping his neck. He twists my arm and throws me back, I slide over to the cliff and look for the stake, it sits on the ground to far for me to reach. I look down at the water and an idea pops into my head. I stick my hand out over the edge and hear Caine running towards me. Just as Caine fists my shirt, a metal bar from the submerged cage arises from the water and flys up into my hand.

I turn to him and just as he attempts to throw me back I grab onto his arm and reach back, stabbing the bar through his back. He crys out angrily and holds me down by my neck. He reaches back and rips the bar out of his skin.

"Should have made the cage plastic" he growls at me, gripping my neck tighter

As he crouches in front of me I kick his knees and he falls to the ground, his grip on my neck loosens and I run for the stake. I get the piece of wood in my hand and turn to him. He holds his abdomen, where the metal stabbed through, as he slowly stands.

He's healing and now I have the upper hand.

I begin to run towards him but I stop and turn when I hear a loud scream, I gasp when I look over to see Harry with a stake lodged in his chest. Fuck! Harry stumbles back from Jeremy and seconds later Nate comes out of no where, stabbing a stake into Jeremy's back, turning him to ash.

Harry goes pale and looks down at his chest and falls back to the ground. When I look over him, the stake is only inches from his heart. "Marcus!" Nate calls out to me, kneeling by Harry's side

"Get him out of here!" I demand. Nate nods, slowly staring down at his friend and picking him up slowly, trying not to move him too much

I look back at Caine who stares directly at me "Let's settle this brother, here and now" he says smirking now almost completely healed

I missed my chance

"before we both loose more of our followers or...? I guess you call them friends" he says, as an evil smile spreads across his face.

"Gladly" I growl and run towards him just as I see Nate running away with Harry and Richard popping out of the trees with Luke pouncing on him

Caine throws the first punch left which I easily block, next is right and I duck under his hand, he chuckles "just like old times, don't you miss it?" He laughs

"You wish" I throw a punch to his side, dropping the stake in the process as he flips over me kicking me to the ground, I sit up and swing my leg around tripping him, causing him to fall backwards

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