Chapter 68

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Harrys POV
I feel my body slowly healing as I come out of unconsciousness, I blink my eyes and shift in my seat as I feel each of my cuts closing and internal injuries healing.

Minutes later I slowly lift my body off the door and look around. Confusion rolls around in my head as I try and remember what happened. We were driving, Rose asked if we were close, Amber and her talked,...and then

Oh my god

"Rose!" I yell looking around the car but neither her or Amber are there

I look down over to the passenger seat to see the door ripped off and smashed against a tree in the distance. I look down in the seat and I smell blood, some droplets are present on the leather and the dash but most of it's on the floor in a big puddle. I look back at Amber's seat and a small smudge of blood streaks across the window.

I start to get frantic I throw open the door and jump out. I smell the air but both of there smells have dulled and practically disappeared. I take a deeper breath but stop mid way and fall on my knees when I recognize the distinct smell.

It was her father

I throw my head in my hands and yell loudly causing birds in the trees to fly away. How could I do this? How could I let this happen? My anger raises and I stand on my feet, pacing over to the car and punching it as hard as I can causing it to flip and smash into the trees. I look down at my bloody knuckles and growl.

I turn around and pace the road, this can't be happening I couldn't have let them get away. Roses and Ambers scream echoes in my ears, I cover my ears with my hand to muffle the horrible sounds. I shut my eyes tight only to see there frightened faces.

Rose...she's gone because of me, she trusted me to keep her safe and now he has her. My heart cracks as I see her smiling face in my mind. The mix between seeing Ambers face behind my eyelids and when I'm in the presents of Rose make me think of Jess and how I let her get away too.

"Fuck!" I scream running my hands roughly through my hair as tears prick at my eyes and my mark burns

I punch the road causing the asphalt to cave-in around my hand and small pieces fly around me. I fall back and stare straight at the empty road that miles and miles away they must be on, trapped with the man who has done nothing but hurt Rose and now he plans to do it again. Stubborn tears roll down my face and I wipe them away as soon as each one falls.

If I didn't pass out, if we had more protection, if we knew exactly where he was at all times, hell if we had already captured him this would have never happened. The girls would still be in the non crashed car and we would be driving to safety.

I have to find her. I have to find them and save them. The only time my heart doesn't feel completely broken is when I'm with Rose.

I stand up determined to find anything I can that will lead me to where they are. I go around the car to there sides and see a trail of blood on the road. Which ones hurt and how bad? Where is he taking them? What will he do to them? A million other questions run through my mind but no matter how badly I want to find and track them down right this minute I can't, I need the others help.

I don't know how I'll survive after Marcus and Luke found out, sadly they will never understand I'm almost as heart broken as them. No one and I repeat no one could ever replace my beautiful and perfect mate, but Rose, especially, makes my existence more bearable. She will always be a friend to me and nothing more, I have already sworn and promised her that I will never interfere with her and Marcus's relationship and I will stand by that but I will do everything in my power to get them back.

I wipe my wet eyes and take a deep breath trying to contain my raging anger. I clench my jaw and form my hands into tight fists. I will do anything to get them back for my friends and myself but most importantly I will get them back because I could never go through the heartbreak of seeing them hurt.

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