Chapter 11

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Seven, I have already been to seven places and no luck at all. My feet are killing me, I've been walking around in the cold for three hours, I can't even feel my toes anymore. I saw no point in driving considering all the place are lined up but I started to regret that decision when parts of me started going numb. So here I am walking around downtown praying I find a job.

I feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket, I reach for it and look at caller ID "hey Jade"

"Hey how's it going?" She asks I let out a frustrated sigh "that bad hu?"

"it's either the people are too rude for me to even think of working there or they have no available positions" I say with growing irritation

"Oh I'm sorry Rose keep trying, call me later if you find anything ok?"

"Yeah ok bye"

"Bye" she says, I hang up and keep walking down the strip of businesses. My stomach growls embarrassingly loud and I clutch it, hoping no one heard that. I look around for a quick place to eat, if I want to go to anymore interviews I need to eat fast. I spot a cute little café across the street, people sipping coffee sitting outside under classy umbrellas bundled up in there jackets.

I look both ways and cross the street, looking at the building it looks like it should be in a beautiful valley in Italy definitely not in the middle of downtown. It has vines growing up its beige rough walls and tables lined up with simple red cloth over them. The red hanging flowers add just the amount of color and beauty to the café. I look up to the large tent type thing covering the outside sitting area and the name is written in a beautiful classic Italian way saying Dina's Café.

I walk in and hear a little bell go off above me and chatter of people talking fill my ears. The smell hits me instantly, sweet coffee and yummy food making my stomach growl even louder. The hot air makes a shiver go down my back and the heat sticks to my cold face and numb red hands, making me happy to be finally out of the cold. I walk up to the podium and a sweet little lady is standing there. She's probably in her early fifties, her light brown hair pinned up in a bun and a big smile making the wrinkles under and around her eyes scrunch up. She's wearing a black apron on top of her simple yellow shirt making her aged green eyes and tan skin stand out. The beautiful light golden color of her skin tells me she must have Italian heritance. I look to her name plate and it reads 'Dina', I wonder if she's the owner?

"Hi sweetie welcome to Dina's Café" she says "you can follow me" her smile warm

I follow her to a two seater table and hands me a menu "what can I get you to eat and drink?" She asks sweetly, I look over the menu quickly, so many choses it's hard to decide. They have everything you could imagine, soups, salads, pasta, potatoes, divine coffees, sandwiches and so many more things that I wouldn't mind trying everything. I finally decide on a coffee and some soup.

"I would love to try your Italian cream coffee and your potato soup" I say with a happy smile on my face so ready to fill my stomach.

"Good choice those are some of our best items" she says writing my order down

"Everything looks so amazing, are you the owner?" I ask

"Thank you hun, and yes I am" she says proud

"It's a beautiful café"

"You're too sweet" she says giving me a warm smile "they'll bring you your food when it's ready" she say politely

"Alright" I smile

About five minutes later the sound of talking people is silenced when the loud sound of glass hitting the floor is replaced. "I quit!" A squeaky girls voice breaks the silence. I turn to see who was making all the commotion to see a tall blond walking from behind the counter ripping her apron off her blue sundress.

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